Chapter 15

770 42 13

Location: Middle Of Nowhere

Dream's POV

We seemed to walk for hours on end. Through forests, grasslands, and we even sailed across an ocean. But it was all worth it. I would be able to see her again. She'd finally be back.

I knew we'd arrived when the red arrow of the old rusting compass in my hand turned to the right, pointing directly at a huge mountain. Sending a nod in Wilbur's direction, we both began the climb.

After around ten minutes of carefully scaling the cliff face, I pushed myself up onto a ledge and let myself fall back onto the damp grass as I caught my breath and soothed the pain shooting through my healing wounds. I lay there for what seemed like forever, completely oblivious that Wilbur had been standing, waiting on me for ages.

"Come on man, we don't have all day."
Sighing to myself, I slowly got to my feet and brushed myself down, a sudden nausea washing over me as I remembered what had happened the last time I had been there.

Shaking away the thought, me and Wilbur followed a path between two cliffs. Rounding a bend between the walls of rock, the path led us to a clearance. A large boulder sat in the middle of the field, tall cliffs surrounding it on every side with several gaps between them all leading to other paths similar to the one me and Wilbur had just walked down.

As I looked around all I could see was her lying limp in my arms, blood seeping from the wound I had inflicted on her. It was an image I'd never get rid of, forever haunting me in my nightmares.

"Are you sure this is the right place? No one else is here."
I looked up to meet Wilbur's tired eyes for a moment before I properly looked around my surroundings.

He was right. There was no trace of anything or anyone apart from us.
"Are you sure it worked? The revive book I mean."
Running a hand through my hair, I slowly made my way over to the rock where Wilbur stood.

"I did the same thing I did for both you and Tommy. There's no way it couldn't have worked. She should be here. Where is she?"
"Maybe she was never meant to come back Dream."
My breath hitched in my throat as the thing I had dreaded resurfaced in my mind.

Maybe she was gone.

Truly gone.

I turned to Wilbur as a single tear slid down my cheek.
"Come on man she's back alright. Why wouldn't it work? She has so much to live for, so much to do. She deserved so much better. So why is she not here Will? I don't want to be here without her..."
My desperation was made clear as I spoke, begging for any sort of answers but all I got was a glare sent in my direction.

"Get over yourself Dream, you're being pathetic. She's not coming back boohoo no one cares. It hasn't worked before so why would it work now?"
Wilbur turned and headed down the path, leaving me standing alone in the middle of the field. And that's when I finally broke down.

Two Weeks Later

Location: Dream SMP

Tommy's POV

It was a load of bullshit.

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