Chapter 9

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TW: Death, Animal Abuse, Abuse, Graphic Content

Location: Prison

Dream's POV

It had been two months since I'd seen anyone other than Quackity. Day after day the lava fell and I was met with the sight of the boy covered in netherite with a glowing axe slung over his shoulder. I no longer hoped that it would be his last visit, because I knew deep down that he would keep coming back until he got what he wanted but every time the lava fell away at the entrance of my cell, I still had a slither of hope that someone else had come to see me.

I had had no more comfort since his first visit. Y/N had left and she took all my happiness with her. I knew she wasn't coming back. She had no reason to. Maybe I did make the whole thing up. Maybe she never really had a ghost and it was all just part of some sort of trick my mind was trying to play on me. Either way, her absence still hurt more than the axe that lodged itself into my ribs on the daily.

I shuffled back against the wall of my cell, smiling as the tabby cat that was curled up beside me. She was the only one that had stayed throughout my darkest hours, and I was grateful for that. Yawning, I managed to make myself as comfortable as I could on the warm obsidian floor as I felt the heaviness of my eyelids grow.

Slowly, I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to swallow me whole. And that's when the noise of the lava around me stopped. My eyes shot open in panic and I quickly lifted my batter body from the floor. It hadn't been long enough yet. I still had around two more hours until Quackity's next visit, there was no way I could've lost track of the time that badly. I felt myself begin to tremble as I began to envision what Quackity would do to me next. Maybe he had a new toy to try out. Or he would threaten to throw Patches into the lava again. Or maybe he'd finally had enough and he'd come to kill me.

Curling up in the corner of the room, Patches came to comfort me once again as we waited for my visitor in silence. I couldn't bring myself to look at the businessman as he crossed the lava lake surrounding my cell, I was too scared I would break at the sight of him. Slowly but surely, I built up the courage to stand and face the man that had tormented me for months. Pulling myself to my feet, I forced a smile onto my face before turning to the man that stood at the other side of the barrier that had just popped up out of the floor of my cell.

Or should I say child.

I couldn't stop the smile on my face from growing as my eyes met the blue pair belonging to the boy opposite me.

I made my way over to the blond when the barrier separating us dropped back into the floor, allowing Tommy into my cell.
"Hey. What's up Dream?"
"Nothing much."
I watched as the teenagers slightly panicked gaze darted around the room before his eyes settled on me.

"I'm glad you came to visit me. It's been a while. I wish you visited me more."
I smirked at the boy as I settled against the side wall of my cell, eyeing him up and down as he started to fidget under my gaze.
"This is my last visit Dream. This is my last time coming to see you."
My eyes widened as I instantly pulled away from the wall and walked over to the boy. I found myself speechless for a lot longer than I'd like to admit as I stared at the boy who'd been the first to save me from the thoughts in such a long time.

"What- you're- forever?"
"Yeah I think so."
"Well forever is a long time."
I looked at him hopefully, silently praying he would tell me he was joking. I couldn't stand the thought of only having Quackity visiting me for the rest of my days, cutting away at my will to live as I tried to fight against the urge to give up and give him all the information he needed.

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