Chapter 14

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Location: Outside The Prison

Dream's POV

Exhaustion hit me like a slap in the face.

Everything that had ever happened to me during my stay in the prison seemed to catch up with me as the effects of the golden apple Technoblade had given me wore off. I could feel every ache and pain I'd experienced but one hundred times worse than they had ever been before, leaving me practically immobile right outside the prison walls.

I felt every part of me shut down as I fell to my knees, too weak to stay standing. It had all been too much for my body to handle but if I didn't keep moving I would just be put right back into my cell once again, or maybe even killed.

Fighting against the urge to just close my eyes and give up, I slowly got back to my feet and continued forward at an agonisingly slow pace. I knew they were going to catch me, they were bound to be right on my tail but everything hurt so bad.

Stumbling over a rock, I felt my legs give away from beneath me and I went tumbling to the ground. I felt a scorching sensation run up my side, signifying that one of my fresh wounds had reopened. Reaching a hand down to my waist, I felt the warmth of my blood escaping my skin and that was when I truly gave up.

Fighting to keep my eyes open for a minute or two longer, I heard the nearby sound of footsteps and excepted my fate. At least I saw the sky again. Giving in to the urge of sleep, I finally closed my eyes and fell limp against the floor. Right as the darkness was about to consume me whole, I felt myself being gently lifted off the ground.

"What a nerd."

2 Weeks Later

Location: The Wreckage Of L'Manburg

Tommy's POV

Using all the energy I had left in me, I continued the climb to the top of the rocky hill, a lead held tightly in my left hand. Friend would make a noise or two every once in a while, letting me know that he was still happily following along. I could hear the distant mumbling of Tubbo and Ranboo as they made their way up the hill behind me, both of them still half asleep after I'd woken them up at the brink of dawn.

Both of them had been surprised to see me when I showed up at their front door. I had locked myself up in my house as soon as I heard about Dreams escape from the prison, too scared to even consider opening the door for anyone, even Tubbo or Ranboo. My voluntary imprisonment also prevented me from investigating the several sightings of the once dead man Wilbur Soot.

But today was different. Today I woke up and knew I couldn't live in fear any longer. So I went and got Tubbo and Ranboo from Snowchester and headed to the last place Wilbur was supposedly seen.


Guiding Friend around a boulder that protruded from the ground, I realised I had arrived at the tunnel that had once led to where the infamous button was, only now it was in ruins due to the damage the explosives caused. Carefully making my way over the rocks that lay scattered across the floor of the corridor, I made my way to the room where it had all ended, with Tubbo and Ranboo now right behind me.

"You know it might've not even worked. The revive book I mean..."
I blocked out what Ranboo was saying, too busy focusing on the movement I had seen at the end of the corridor. It had been quick, but the brief flash of black hadn't gone unnoticed. Tubbo must have seen it too because I heard his breath hitch in his throat.

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