One agency. Two partners. Three kisses. Four tables. Five years. Six agents. Seven team members. Eight o'clock. Nine minutes late. And a very scary boss.LAPD liaison detective Martin Andrew Deeks strolled into the bullpen of NCIS: Los Angeles Office of Special Projects, with a big smile plastered on his face. "Mornin'" he said to his coworkers. Nobody answered. He cleared his throat and said once again: "Mornin'" and again no one answered. "Seriously!? Is it everybody-ignore-Deeks-day, or what?"
He walked over to his beautiful partner's table. Kensi Marie Blye looked up at her goofy and slightly annoying partner. For a second his deep ocean blue eyes and her brown mismatched eyes met. She sighed and looked back at her paperwork. "You're late." She said while she kept looking at the huge mountain of paperwork in front of her.
Since Christmas they officially became a couple.
Usually they lived together, but because of Kensi being afraid of moving too fast, they decided have a little not-living-together-anymore break. They hadn't broken up, they were just not living together. At least not right now.
Deeks walked over to his own desk and sat down on his desk chair. "It's 08:09! I'm only 9 minutes late!" He declared. "Well Goldilocks, that is 9 minutes too late". Former CIA agent G. Callen mocked the blonde detective. "Yeah? Ain't you just jealous of my fabulous hair? Huh?" The goofy liaison said, while he swung his hair shaggy blonde curls.
"Nope." Former SEAL Sam Hanna said.
"You know who won't be happy? Hett.." Kensi was cut off by their little, wise, mysterious and intimidating boss. Hetty Lange slowly walked into the antique decorated office area. "Mr. Deeks I assume that you know what time you are required to be at your workspace?" The little lady asked the blonde detective. "Um, yes, of course". Deeks quickly answered as his heart pounded inside of his chest. Hetty turned on her heel and left.A loud whistle from above startled the whole team. The very familiar whistle that meant they had a case.

Life Happens
Fanfiction-This is a family fanfic about Kensi Blye and Marty Deeks and their journey to become a family. Kensi Marie Blye is a normal 32 year old woman. She works with NCIS Special Projects. She is first-date-only girl. She lost her father when she was 15. S...