Hey guys I cried so much while writing this chapter, so I must be just a little bit sad - please tell me if you like it :-)
Warning: tissues might be neededKensi's P.O.V.
I clutched to the wheelchair I was sitting in. My knuckles turned completely white from holding on so hard.My breaths were short and hard. In and out, in and out. I was trying not to have a panic attack.
People around me were talking to me. They all had worried faces and they're lips were moving, but I had no idea what they were saying.
It was like it only was a buzzing.
It wasn't until I heard a familiar voice yell: "Kensi?!"
A set of blue eyes were searching the hospital hallways for me.
"Deeks?" I said not matching his pitch. He ran towards me and grabbed my hand. I could feel his pulse trough his palm. One of the most important thing in my life. His life vitals."It's okay Kens, it's you're okay."
Usually I would have said something tough or a paralyzingly blow to his shoulder, but it felt like I was stuck in this very position.I looked at the many nurses around me. They were talking to each other while looking at me. I wondered they were saying.
Why did they all look so nervous? I mean of course I have the right to be nervous since this is my first time giving birth, but all of these doctors and nurses had probably tried this a million times.
One doctor looked at Deeks and said something to him.
His facial expression changed immediately.
He looked like he just saw a ghost.
But he pulled it together again and nodded.Suddenly a sharp pain occurred in my stomach. I leaned forward and screamed at the unbearable pain. At least I think I screamed.
Everything seemed so far away.
I tried to blink away the pain, but of course it didn't help at all. Even though the pain got better it didn't go away.
I looked at Deeks who had moved closer to me.
He kissed the top of my head and squeezed my hand.He looked like he felt sorry for me.
I didn't understand why all the fuss was about.
We reached a room were they placed me on a bed. I puzzled a bit, this didn't look like the place you would give birth.
I lifted my head and looked disoriented at Deeks.
Sound slowly returned to my ears.
"Wha- what's going on?" I asked as I gulped, not really wanting the answer but I knew I had to listen.
Deeks didn't reply, he just slightly lifted the corners of his mouth. As a kind of reassurance.
A nurse came in and Deeks walked over to her. She said something to him while looking at me.
Deeks just put his hand in his hair.
"Okay." He said to the nurse, who looked sympathetic at me.It was seriously annoying me that they all kept me in the dark.
Deeks walked over to me and sat on a chair beside me.
He rested his head in his hands. "Talk to me."
I frowned. "About what?"
He looked in my eyes. "Anything," he sighed, "what about your family, your mom."
I chuckled at the thought of my mom.
"Well what do you want to know about her?" I asked him."How did her and your dad meet?" He said as he took a deep breath.
He seemed even more nervous than me. What was it that he knew that I didn't.

Life Happens
Fanfiction-This is a family fanfic about Kensi Blye and Marty Deeks and their journey to become a family. Kensi Marie Blye is a normal 32 year old woman. She works with NCIS Special Projects. She is first-date-only girl. She lost her father when she was 15. S...