A/N hey guys! Enjoy this chapter!
-Kensi's P.O.V.
I looked out through the window. There were Christmas lights everywhere and Utah was lit up by the most beautiful decorations.
People were Christmas caroling, and everyone were happy. The atmosphere was filled with joy and excitement. Homes across the world were filled with happy children counting down the days until Christmas. The day they would all eat amazing food and get many presents. I couldn't deny it, Christmas was everywhere and in everyone. Like they all just were a little happier. This indescribable feeling flowing around for a whole moth. Parents looking forward to coming home to their lovely kids. The dad that walks in the door and the kids squealing and hugging him. Families gathering to share happiness and love.
It was December. The best time of the year. I hoped that sometime in the future she would be able to celebrate it with a family too. Kids, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and of course the love of my life, Deeks. But this year I was alone, in a hospital. It wasn't that the doctors and nurses weren't nice. Not at all they were very sweet and had given me little Christmas cookies. But she missed being home. Drinking hot cocoa and looking at the almost beautiful Christmas decorations that I had made. That time where I didn't have to run around killing bad guys. The time of peace. My time of peace.
But this year was different. It felt like the spirit of Christmas couldn't just quite reach me. Like there was and invisible wall.I held her almost lover's hand. It had been five days. The doctors had warned me that he might not wake up. I hadn't called my mom nor the team. They were probably worried sick, I mean 8 and a half months pregnant women going missing is never a good thing. I sighed. I had 99 problems but I didn't have the energy to fix as much as one. "Damn it Deeks, it would be really nice if you would wake up now. I know it's kinda selfish, but I'm giving birth in not to long, and you're the father and it would be nice if you could stick around." She put her hand in her hair. Today was the day. She was going to call the team and maybe her mom too. She took out Deeks's burn phone and dialed Nell's number. Right now she needed to talk to someone who would understand her, and she hoped Nell would be the one.
The phone ran three times and on the fourth ring Nell picked it up.
"You've dialed Nell Jones." She said in a very cheery and awake voice. God, now that she heard her voice she realized how much she had missed her.
"Ne- Nell?" I said, sounding more hoarse than intended.
"Kensi? Is that you?!" Nell said, and I imagined that the redhead frowned her eyebrows like she always does.
"No, it's the Easter bunny." I said ironically.
"No seriously, Kensi is that you?" I could hear just how confused she was.
"It's Kensi you idiot." I shook my head even though nobody could see it.
"Where have you been? You had me worried sick!" Nell put forth, still a little worried about her best female friend.
"Well... it's a pretty long story. But I'm okay and that's all that matters. But I can't say the same thing about Deeks." I said looking at the blonde detective.
"You found him?!What happened?" Nell questioned curiously.
"Well... Uhhh... I kinda just ran into him... Let's just go with that version. Anyways we were in a car crash, I only have a few scratches, but Deeks got some really bad brain damage. He's been in a coma for five days." I said and my eyes started filling with tears. 'Damn these hormones' I thought to myself.
"Wow... where are you?" Nell questioned. "I can come get you?" Nell suggested.
"But I have to finish off my work week first. What about Friday the 24th?"
"That sounds really nice." I replied "Thank you Nellie, you just saved my Christmas. But what about Deeks?" I asked.
"Well, I'm sure God will think it's sad that he has to spend Christmas in a coma. Don't worry, he will wake up. Trust me, i can feel it." Nell assured me.
"Since when have you been a psychic?" I asked jokingly.
"Well November 8th I think. Or maybe it was the 16th. I can't remember."
We both laughed hysterically for 20 minutes. We both forgot that Iwas pregnant, that Deeks was in a coma and that there were thousands of miles between us. It was like everything stopped mattering. Like right now was the only thing. I had forgotten all the pain and grief. After talking on the phone for two and a half hours, Nell had to go, so we finished the call.
I had a smile from ear to ear. The invisible walls that had been keeping out the Christmas spirit was gone.
"So now Deeks, all you need to do is wake up. It's quite simply, just open your eyes and talk to me. Like now please." I stopped and waited. I knew that he couldn't hear me, but I tried anyways.
"Oh, come on Deeks! What's the point of Christmas if you don't spend it with the people you love! And I love you so you better wake up!" I got up and raced away in fury. Until I stopped and realized that I was mad at Deeks, even though be hadn't done anything. I took a deep.
"So you love me?" A male coughed from his bed. It sounded awfully much like Deeks. "Not possible." I whispered as I turned around to see Deeks sitting in his bed. "I'm sorry but do I know you?" Deeks asked me as he cocked his head and looked me up and down.
"Ok, Deeks, you might've gotten away with that one when you got shot but this time I don't believe you." I said.
"I'm serious." He said looking a bit scared.
"Haha! You're very funny!" I said ironically.
"Ummm, whoever you are would you mind calling a nurse?"
"Deeks, you're kidding right?" Kensi asked getting concerned.
"Hahahahahahah! I gotcha!" Deeks laughed hysterically.
"Damn I hate you sometimes."
I went by his bed.
"But you're okay. " I went and hugged him.
"It's okay, it's okay..." He whispered campy and drew soothing circles on my back.
"I thought you were going to die." She pulled back and looks him in the eye.
"Don't you dare to ever do that again." I said with a hint of anger in my voice, but Deeks just laughed.
"Of course Fern." He smiled as he kissed me.
"I love you Max." I said romantically.
"Nell promised to pick us up on the 24th." I said sitting in his bed beside him. I looked at his ocean blue eyes.
"Sounds good." Deeks smiled as he looked out the window.
"Wow, the Christmas lights are beautiful." Deeks commented.
I laughed a little.
"What?" He asked wanting to understand why I was laughing.
"Nothing." I replied as I lightly shook my head.
"It's just Christmas lights are very very pretty." I explained. "It's like they light up your day." I smiled.
"Kens, would you mind getting me a glass of water?"
"Yes of courses." I answered and went get some water just as I was about to exit the door I stopped dead in my tracks. "Oh my god!" I said panicked.
"What is it honey?" Deeks asked concerned.
"I think my water just broke." I told Deeks, as stood completely frozen.
"Ummm, well we are in a hospital... So..."
I took a couple of insecure steps out into the hall way where I found a nurse. I tried to say something but it just for came out as a bunch of vowels making no sense at all. She looked like she was about 40 years old, and she has blue eyes and red hair with a little grey strands here and there.
"What can I help you with my dear?" She smiled kindly at me.
She looked at my giant belly and said: "Oh, dear. It looks like your belly dropped." She told me.
"Wait here and I will get you a wheelchair." She said as she to walk away. I just stood there.
I were about to give birth.

Life Happens
Fanfiction-This is a family fanfic about Kensi Blye and Marty Deeks and their journey to become a family. Kensi Marie Blye is a normal 32 year old woman. She works with NCIS Special Projects. She is first-date-only girl. She lost her father when she was 15. S...