Fanfic 7
I was late.
After driving around looking for Kensi, and calling her a million times, I gave up. I knew I had to get to work. I made a 'U' turn.After 25 minutes I reached OPS. I went out of my car and slammed the door. Probably a little too hard. I was frustrated. I walked into the antique decorated building. The guys noticed Kensi weren't there.
"Where's Kensi?" Sam asked.
"I thought you spend the night at her place." Called continued."Um, I kinda did, bu- but I don't whe- where she is. I can't find her." I said nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.
"What do you mean you can't find her?" Callen asked me. Giving me the-killer-look.
"Um..." I didn't have the guts to tell them what really happened. "She kinda got upset about something, and ran." I didn't lie. I just left some parts out. Especially the part about her being pregnant.
"And what something may that be?" Callen asked, as he stood up, and stated to walk towards me.
"I don't know." I said taking a step back.
"Have you looked for her?" Sam asked. Unlike Callen he seemed more worried than mad at me.
"Yes, I've looked everywhere.""She's probably fine, you know. She's kick-ass Kensi. Plus when she mad OR sad" he said shooting me a death glare "she likes to be alone. Maybe she needed a break." Callen said.
"Probably" I mumbled as sat down at my desk. I looked at Sam. Though he seemed normal, I could sense he was worried too.
The day was finally over. There had been no cases at all. Just as I grabbed my bag and was ready to leave I heard a voice call my name: "Mr. Deeks?" I looked her way "let's talk over a cup of tea, shall we?" Hetty asked. I had to drag my legs. They didn't want to go to Hetty's office. It was the most dangerous
place of all."Um, yeah." I said as I reached her office.
She handed me a little cup of tea. I brought it up to my nose, and smelled it. It was like a thousand different smells reached my nostrils. Sweet, sour, salt, bitter, all at once. "It's a special tea from the field of Sri Lanka." She said as she took a sip of the warm liquid.I looked up from my tea, and my eyes found the little operations manager. She looked deep into my eyes. A heavy silence filled the little room.
She knew. I had no evidence, but I could sense it. "I'm sorry." I placed my head in my hands. "I, I should've, done something, I should have ran after her, I should ha..." Hetty interrupted me: "She's scared Marty, though she will pretend she doesn't need you. But she does. You're the love of her life. Her light. She needs you, more than anything. Now more than ever. So go get your girl!" I stood up and started walking away. "Oh, and mr. Deeks" I looked at her. "We will talk about the rest later" I nodded.I decid she needed a break, but tomorrow I would try to contact her somehow.
I turned on the radio in my car. Techno music floated out of it. Kensi would love it. Just her taste of music. I sighed. Hetty's words played over and over again in my head: 'She needs you. Now more than ever.'
I almost didn't notice that I passed my house. I parked my car, and got out it. I took my keys. Just as I was about to open my door, I heard noise inside. I grabbed my gun. I looked at my lock. There was scratches. It had been picked. I carefully turned the doorknob. The door slowly opened. I immediately felt something throw me to the ground...

Life Happens
Fanfic-This is a family fanfic about Kensi Blye and Marty Deeks and their journey to become a family. Kensi Marie Blye is a normal 32 year old woman. She works with NCIS Special Projects. She is first-date-only girl. She lost her father when she was 15. S...