Abu Dhabi

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After a 6 hour nonstop flight, we finally arrived in beautiful Abu Dhabi. The moment I stepped out of the airport, the air was hot and heavy. Coming from a snowy London to this is a huge change, but not gonna lie, one I needed. 

We jumped into an air-conditioned car and made our way to our hotel. Since his job was covering the costs for the hotel, so my expectations were high, but I was not prepared for the beauty this place had to offer. The weather desert mixed with modern and innovative architecture made everything look so new and incredible. The streets were covered in gorgeous people, fast cars and the fashion was very inspiring. 

We drove past the Yas Marina West Circuit, where the race would be taking place on Sunday, and apparently Friday and Saturday as well. I really don't understand this sport but it makes Brad happy so I guess I have to go with it for his sake.

A few minutes later we were getting closer and closer to what looked like an Arabian resort. 

"What's that?" I asked Brad and he didn't answer because he had his nose buried deep into his phone. So I tap the driver on his shoulder and ask him the question.

"That's your hotel, miss," he replied, and my eyes widened, amazed that this is where I would be spending the next days.

"That's your hotel, miss," he replied, and my eyes widened, amazed that this is where I would be spending the next days

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it felt like it was scenery out of a movie, a paradise. This is a dream and I couldn't wait to see more of it. 

We pulled up closer to the hotel and when we got to the door the concierge opened my door and said "Welcome to the Hilton Abu Dhabi Yas Island, miss."

"Thank you so much," I responded with my jaw to the floor, amazed at the setting. Everything looked so expensive and rich. Although being a model starting to succeed I felt oddly misplaced.

We proceeded to check in and made our way up to our gorgeous room. When I opened the door, everything was so clean, organized, and modern. As walked deeper into the room the windows were wide open and depicted a gorgeous view of the pool area.

"This is incredible," I told Brad, then proceeded to jump onto the bed. With no response, I looked at him and he was on his phone as usual.

"Hello?" I said, "earth to Brad."

"What?" he asked.

"I'm talking to you," I said, as I sat down on the bed, "what's so important on your phone anyways?"

"Work, Y/n," he said rolling his eyes.

"But doesn't it start tomorrow?" I asked.

"Well," he paused, "I like to get a head start."

"How about we go have a drink at the bar?"

"I have no time for that, but you go ahead,"

"But," before I could continue, his phone rang and he immediately picked up.

Guess it's just me alone today, better put my time to good use here.

So I got ready and put on a chic long dress with a light scarf to cover my spaghetti straps, for the sake of being respectful to the country as well as the other guest, strapped heels, and accessories to match. 

"I'm going to the Osmo Lounge," I told Brad, "would you like to join?"

"I can't," he said, "I'm having a meeting in the conference room with some other members of my team, we need to discuss some things."

"Can you join me after?" I asked.

"I'll try," he said and kissed me on the cheek, then swiftly left.

I made my way down to the bar of Osmo and ordered my favorite drink and began to scan the room, only to see couples and friend groups all having a great time. Then I started to think about the fact that I came to a country with my boyfriend who can't even make time to be with me.

Brad and I weren't always like this. There was a time filled with so much happiness and love. But it all just disappeared almost all at once. The moment I started doing runway shows in London Fashion Week and was placed on magazines he grew cold and distant. Almost like he wasn't happy for me. All of a sudden he was always working and had no time for me. That's why I came to this trip to see if it could help us grow closer together or something.

"Wow," I heard a voice say, "whatever you must be thinking about must be serious."

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