Chapter 2 The Meet Cute

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Here we are, the beginning of the summer and it's already time to pick up my uncle from the airport. Every year he and his family fly up from Singapore to visit.

My dad's parents, aunt Sofia, aunt Bridget and her three kids, my mom, and I go down to greet them. We usually go down to the Columbus airport to pick them up, eat, and bring them back to Shelby.

I never see anyone I know. I don't meet anyone either. This is family time only. But this year, fate just wanted to stand in the way. I mean literally, IN THE WAY.

I was walking pretty fast to catch up to the others since we were already late. The gate we usually meet at was just up ahead when I pulled out my phone. Don't ask me why, because I never was good at walking and texting. All of a sudden, BAM! It felt like running into a wall, except I assumed it was a six pack. I swear, a minute ago, nothing was in my way! Well, I thought I had a clear path.

"Sorry," I said. I wasn't as sorry when I looked up. Light brown hair, and chocolate eyes, a great combination if you ask me.

"I'm sorry," he replied. Then after a minute of my staring, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm really sorry though, I didn't see you there."

"You're good." I was about to leave when he said, "Hey, I think you dropped this." Yep, it was my phone... Greeaaat....

"Did it crack?" Was all I could think of.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry." Dammit. He took a good long look at my face before bursting out laughing, "Haha you should have seen your face, you were SO ticked." Thanks, just thanks.

"Do you think I could have my phone back now?" I didn't mean to sound rude but he did just trick me.

"Yeah sure. I'm Adam by the way. Adam Collins."

"I'm Chloe. Chloe Taylor."

"Well it was very nice to have run into you Chloe. We should do it again sometime," he smirks.

"Okay... I have to go." Even though this kid was Hollywood star cute, I really did have to go.

"Bye Chloe."

"Bye." I took one last look at him and then I left. I knew I would never see him again. Or, so I thought....

"What took you so long?" My mother wondered.

"I accidentally ran into someone. Hey guys," I directed at my cousins. They are so cute. Hey, I only get to see them once a year!

"On to the baggage claim!" my uncle ushered.

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