Chapter 23 Count as a Date?

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My parents are forcing me to do chores. They say I have been slacking off for too long. I tried to tell them that I had a date, but they wouldn't listen! Argg. Now what am I supposed to tell my boyfriend?

The unfortunate part of all of this is that football has officially started up again, which means I have to work around his schedule.

But my parents want me to spend the entire day cleaning. So not only will I clean when Adam's at football, but when he's here too. Thanks mom and dad. My parents went to work, and left me a long list to have done when they get back. Basically, I have to clean the entire house and do yard work as well.

By the time Adam arrives, I have finished the playroom, mom's retreat, and the guest room.

I decide to take a break. "I am soo sorry Adam. But my parents are making me clean today."

"That's okay. I'll help you. It'll go faster. What all do you still need to do?"

"Hmm. Let's see. I have the upstairs bathroom, my room, sweep the halls, sweep the stairs, dust the stairs, dust and swifer the dining room and foyer, the computer room, the living room, the kitchen, the downstairs bathroom, the laundry room, mowing the lawn, pulling the weeds, watering the plants and garden, and washing my car," I cross my arms with a hmph.

"O-okay," he stutters, stunned and half expecting more. "So they gave you most of the house except-"

"Except my parents bed and bath," I finish.

"Alright. I'll dust, you sweep the halls. I'll sweep the stairs, you swifer downstairs. Okay? Ready? Break!"

"Not a football player," I mumble as Adam races up the stairs to start dusting them. I don't think he heard me.

I drag myself out of my chair, up the stairs, and to the sweeper. Adam dusts the stairs, foyer, and dining room. Then he takes the sweeper and starts the stairs while I swifer the two rooms. When we finish, we meet at the foot of the stairs and he makes a new plan.

"Okay! Together we will pick up and tidy the rooms. Then I will dust and you will sweep. Got it? Computer room!" He commands.

"I'm glad you're dusting. I always hated doing it, and the dust irritates my allergies." Again, I'm pretty sure he's not listening.

"Come on!" He yells from inside the room.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming," I sulk.

We pick up and straighten the room, and Adam quickly dusts. I sweep while he moves on to the next room. When I get to the living room, he's already dusting, so I start sweeping. When we finish, we move on to the kitchen. Except, you can't dust and sweep that, so Adam makes a new plan.

"Okay. Now I'll wash, you dry. Go!"

"Wait, what?" Adam has already gotten started on the dishes. I groan in frustration, but quickly smile at him. You have to admire his enthusiasm.

I put the plates and cups in the dishwasher, along with the silverware. The pots and pans Adam washes, and I dry and put away. When we're done, with the dishwasher started, we started washing the counters. Again Adam washed, I dried. I picked up the broom and swept the floor while Adam got the steam mop out and ready.

As he mopped, I moved on to the next room. I picked up the shoes in the laundry room, and put them in the right bins. Then, I cleaned the counter: washed and dried. He was still mopping when I got the sweeper, and swept the rug in the laundry room. I picked up the rug and moved it to the foyer, so Adam could mop the laundry room when he was done with the hallway connecting the laundry room, the bathroom, the dining room, and the kitchen.

I hurdled his mop to start the bathroom. I cleaned the inside and the outside of the toilet, washed the sink, and dusted the small shelves in the corner. Then I tiptoed back out while Adam started mopping the bathroom floor.

Once he was done, we started on the outside chores. First, we washed my car because it was still warm out. I got the sponges while Adam got the soap and water. I start washing the passenger side of the car while Adam starts washing the driver side.

"What's your favorite song?" Adam asks.

"I don't have one. Pop's my favorite genre."

"I like hip hop."

"Of course you do," I say. "Favorite tv show?"

"Huh. I don't know. You go first."

"Once Upon A Time."

"I should've known. I think mine would have to be Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Favorite candy?"

"Ooh, that's tough. I like Milkyways and Skittles. You?"

"I like Starburst and Reeses," He tells me.

"Favorite celebrity?"

"Girl, or boy?"

"Either," I answer.

"I like Jennifer Aniston."

"Wow, what male doesn't?"

"I don't know," he answers honestly. "As for a guy, I'd have to say.... Tom Cruise is pretty badass."

"Excuse me bitch, no need to cuss."

"What?" He asks, not understanding.

"I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've ever heard you cuss."

"Okay, yeah. I'm sorry," he smiles.

"It's okay. Chris Evans is my favorite guy, and for the girl.... I would probably agree, I love Jennifer."

"Okay. If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would it be?"

"Paris," I daydream.


"J'adore le français! I've always dreamed of going there since I was a little girl. What about you?"

"Rome, so I could take my girl out on an Italian date." My heart literally melted.

"Awwww." We finish washing the car. "What's your favorite thing about me?" I ask.

"The way your eyes light up with excitement," Adam doesn't hesitate. "What about you?"

"Your family," I joke with a straight face. Adam picks up the hose and starts spraying me. I scream and throw soap suds at him. He chases me around my car until we both crouch down in hiding. Adam starts moving around the front while I move around the back. I get to him first, and I dump the contents of the bucket on him.

I scream and run to the front yard where he tackles me and kisses me. We lie there for a few minutes before sadly, we had to get back to work.

He rinses the car while I start pulling weeds. When he's done, he comes over to help, which we finish in record timing. Then, I go inside to clean my room and the bathroom. Adam stays outside to mow the lawn as the sun starts to set. Once I'm done, I come out to the front porch and start watering the flowers. Adam takes the hose out to the garden and we finish at the same time.

We sit on the porch swing to watch the sun completely set, and after it's disappeared, we go inside to the basement. We decided that even though it wasn't on the list, we were going to clean that room too. So we picked it up, swept, washed, and straightened the room. Then afterwards, we settled down on the couch together, and watched Netflix in the darkness.

My mother was so impressed that she paid Adam $50 for all our hard work.

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