Chapter 11 A Series of Romance and a Little Bit of Mayhem

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The next day I woke early to the sound of my mom whispering my name and her "gentle" shaking. When I say "gentle," I really mean violent. I'm an extremely heavy sleeper, so it's violent for a reason.

"Hey, get up," she murmured. I checked the time. Uhhh.... 7 a.m.? Was she trying to kill me? "Adam's here." Now I perk up.

"I'm listening."

"He says he's ready for the first day of 'C.W.'"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"How am I supposed to know? Did you make some sort of agreement with him?" Did I? No, I would've remembered. Let me see, we played the xbox, watched The Notebook, and... Wait.

"Uhh... I did make an agreement but I didn't know we were calling it anything."

"Well that's your answer! Now get moving. We don't want to keep Adam waiting."


"Hheey Chlloee," Adam dragged out. "So what's your plan for day one of C.W.?"

"I don't know. Apparently you're the one with the plan since you have a name for our little arrangement." I liked how our rolled off the tongue. "What do you even mean?"

"Chloe's world. I just thought of something to call our plan so people don't know what we're up too." Ooh, it sounds nice when he says it too.

So it didn't seem like I adored his thinking, (when actually I'm adoring the thought of me and him), I rolled my eyes. "You're dumb, but sneaky. Alright well what do you want to do first? Movies or books?"

"Movies, definitely. I don't like to read."

"Aww well I thought you would rather get the worst part over with." I give him a pouty face, and then a sly smile.

"Okay then books."

"Too late, you said movies. But first we have to gather all the romance movies and books for our plan if you really want to explore my mind," I smirk. Adam scowls as I mock him.

"You mean get inside your mind?"

"Don't say it like that," I frown. "People will think you're operating on my brain."

"Okay, alright," he laughs. "How about girl world?"

"Girl world? Why girl world?"

"Because romance movies and books are made for girls. They're there to fill some desire girls have about men. Whether they have a boyfriend or not. I don't understand it myself-"

"Because you don't get women. And you're not a man, so get over yourself."

"Hey all I'm saying is-"

"Shhh. Don't say anything, and we don't need to label this."

"Ooh, I like friends with benefits."

"Ugh. Not what I mean. Ah," I point at him. "Not another word." He holds his hands up. "Good. Now let's get started."

About an hour and hundreds of romance movies later, (with lots of groans from Adam as our pile grew to the ceiling), we were finally done.

"Do you have every romance story ever filmed and wrote?" Adam ponders.

"Surprisingly no. There are a ton I don't have," I say.

"Oh my God. People really need to get a life."

"You know, just because they wrote a romance story doesn't mean they spent their life doing it. And by the way, who doesn't love a good romance story, you cold hearted twirp?"

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