Chapter 26 Birthday Wishes

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Adam had a 7 on 7 on my birthday, so I took Abby and watched. Ashland was playing teams like Crestview, Hillsdale, and Northwayne.

We played Northwayne first. And from what Abby and I could tell, we won. Then we played Hillsdale. Again, we think we won. Abby and I aren't experts when it comes to football, especially a 7 on 7. They're the most confusing. We tried our best.

Hillsdale took a break, and Ashland split the team to play both Northwayne and Crestview. Then they brought the team back together and played Crestview again. After that, it was over.

Abby and I walked down the steps to meet up with the guys.

"Heeyy, looking good out there!" Abby says.

"Thanks sis."

"I wasn't talking to you." Adam gives a look of "wow, okay."

"I thought you did great," I give him a hug.

"Ewww! You realize how sweaty he is?"

"I don't care," I look up to get a kiss.

"Aw, come on babe. You don't want a hug?" Jake asks.

"You touch me, I kill you," Abby gives a murderous glare. "I'm NOT kidding." She walks towards the car.

"O-K," Jake says awkwardly.

Adam and I smile at each other before we follow them to the car. His arm hasn't dropped from my shoulders since we kissed.

We go back to their house, so the boys can shower.

"Happy Birthday, Chloe!" Mrs. Collins drops whatever she was doing in the kitchen to give me a hug.

"Thank you."

"I hope your mom isn't cooking anything. I would like to feed you here if you don't mind."

"No it's alright. My mom and dad are at work right now. They're going to make me dinner."

"Perfect! Then have a seat. I'm going to make you lunch," she insists.

"Thank you," I don't argue. If there's anything I've learned about Mrs. Collins, it's that you don't argue with her.

I take a seat next to Abby in the living room. "What do you want to do for your birthday?" she asks me.

"I don't know. Just hang out?"

"Just hang out??" Abby exchanges a glance with her mother. "It's your birthday! You should have some really fun idea planned!"

"Abby, have you met me? I wouldn't exactly say I have some bustling social life. Besides, things I would want to do would take months in advance to plan."

"Like what? A vacation?"

"Anything that's adventurous," I say. "But for this birthday, I can handle just relaxing all day long. It would be nice to just chill for today. After all, I'm only 17. It's not like I'm hitting a milestone age, like 18 or 21."

"You're only 17?" I hear someone ask. "I can't believe Chloe is so young, so full of youth." It's then that I see my mocking boyfriend come around the corner.

"Ha-ha!" I retort. "Adam is soo funny!"

"That I am," he continues. I just roll my eyes. "What are you making mom?"

"I am making a nice lunch for Chloe. How's a cookout sound? Just like the 4th of July, since we were at Cedar Point that day," Mrs. Collins says.

"That sounds amazing," I answer.

"If it's a cookout then what are you doing?" Adam asks.

"If you must know, I am making pasta salad. I already put the fruit salad in the fridge. I also made fruit dip," Mrs. Collins replied.

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