Chapter 9 "Boys" night

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At home, I lead Adam to my room. "Two Xbox's coming up... Ta da. "

"Whoah. Wait, how do I know these are your Xbox's, or your room for that matter?"

I open my closet door. "Would my mom have clothes like these? And since you don't believe ME, I doubt you'll think this is her room."

"Touché. Alright then. Let's see your skills."

"Need for Speed first. Then Halo, then Call of Duty, and then Assasin's Creed."

"Race me, shoot me, shoot me again, and then play by yourself. Got it."

I kicked his ass at racing. It was quite hilarious actually. He was getting fired up. He's even cuter when he's mad. I did have the advantage because I have all the shortcuts memorized, but still.

When we were playing Halo, sometimes I would kill him but most of the time, he killed me. For Call of Duty, we decided to work together and play the multiplayer missions. We did really good. We make a great team if I do say so myself.


We've been playing video games for hours now and somewhere in between we ate dinner. Now he's just watching me play Assasin's Creed. He's really shocked at how good I am, more so than the other games. I don't know why, it's actually easier than the other games. All you have to do is assassinate people, sneak around, and scale walls and buildings. Not even kidding.

"Why again are you so fascinated?" I ask.

"I have never met a gamer girl."

"Are all the girls too girly in California?"

"Either that or snooty. I do like a girly girl. I just wish they were more well rounded, you know?"

"Like a girl who acts like a girl, but is also sporty and can take a hit?"

"Yeah. Something like that. I don't want her to be a girly girl all the time. Sometimes I just wish I had a girl best friend that was girly, but doesn't mind doing guy stuff with me. I think guys do a lot of whatever the girl wants to do and it's not reciprocated."

"Oh. That was kind of deep. So are you talking about someone like me?"


"You just described me. I'm a girly girl cause I'm a cheerleader, yet we're having a boy's night.... I think you just found your girl best friend. If that's not too bold to say."

"Yeah. But I like it." He winks at me. "And you're right."

"Well then. Do you mind getting into the deep stuff?" I ask him.

"The deep stuff?"

I stop playing and turn towards him. "Yeah, so we can learn more about each other. If we're going to be friends, best friends, then we should know everything there is to know about each other."

"Okay, missy. Go first," he says.

"Hey now. Do not call me missy." He laughs and I glare at him before asking my question. "What's your favorite color?"

"Seriously? Are we back in fifth grade?"

"Just answer the question!"

"Okay, alright. Green.

"Not bad, that's actually my second favorite. Blue is my first. Okay you go." He smiled at me before asking his question.

"Favorite video game?" He asked.

"Any Need for Speed. What can I say? I love racing."

"I'd have to say Call of Duty. What can I say? I love combat." I am a tad offended by him mocking me, but I decide to shake it off.

"Favorite car?" I wondered.

"Ooh. Probably a 2015 Audi R8 V10 Coupe."

"Wait isn't that like, extremely new?"

"Yeah. How did you know that?" Adam looks shocked.

"Hellllloooo. My favorite game revolves around cars. You don't think I would keep track of all the newest sport cars? Has it even come out yet?"

"So what? It's already my new favorite."

"Whatever. My favorite car is a Nissan GTR SpecV," I say.

"I'm impressed. That's a nice car."

"Thank you. Your turn."

"Favorite movie?" Why did he ask me this question? Of all questions it had to be this one.

"Crap. I don't know. There's too many to choose from."

"Here I'll break it down for you. Favorite superhero movie?"

"Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man, to be exact."

"Well that explains a lot."

"Hey what's that suppose to mean?" I inquire.

"Nothing. In all honesty, any of these deeper questions can tell a lot about a person. Just like spider-man does. You either really like him in particular, or the character itself. You might just like the movie for its adventure, or all of these together."

"Impressive. And you're right, it's all of them. So what's your favorite superhero movie, mr. that explains a lot?"

"I like Iron Man. That suit is awesome."

"Hey now, I like Iron Man too."

"You do, do ya?" I nod at him. "Alright, well favorite disney movie?"

"Hmmm. Animated?"


"Hmm. I don't know. But my favorite Disney princess is Sleeping Beauty and favorite Disney character has got to be Baymax."

"Yes!" He high fives me. "Baymax is my favorite Disney character and my favorite movie is Big Hero 6. As for the princesses, I've been told I look like Phillip."

"I've been told I look like Aurora."

"Ha. I guess we're in the same boat then."

"I guess so." We chuckle a bit before moving on.

"Okay favorite chick flick? This ought to be good," he says.

"The Notebook."

"Never seen it."

"Oh my gosh! You have to see it, it's so good! Let's watch it right now! Unless it's too girly for our guy's night."

"Well Ms. Taylor, I usually like to be bought dinner first before ending the date with a movie." He gives me that smirk of his, laughing at me with those big dough eyes. I could slap him, but instead a give him a sour smile and roll my eyes as I quickly put the DVD into my xbox.

"Just watch the movie and shut up." I could hear him laughing as I went downstairs to make popcorn.

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