Chapter 19 Double Date

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On Wednesday, the 15th of July, we decided to go on a double date with Abby and Jake. We all go down to the bowling alley for our first night together as couples.

After we get our shoes, we walk to our lane and sit down to put them on. Then, we all pick a ball and bring it back to our lane.

The order goes: Abby, Jake, me, and then Adam. Abby sends her purple ball rolling, only for it to land in the gutter. She waits to do her second bowl, but that one ends in the gutter too.

"Okay, can we PLEASE have those bumpers?" Abby whines.

"NO!" The boys chime in unison.

"Why?" Abby and I ask.

"Because we are not kindergartners!" Jake remarked.

"Ugh fine," Abby gives in.

Next up is Jake. His red ball goes flying down the middle till it veers to the left. He knocks down 4 pins. On his next throw he sends it toward the right and gets a spare.

"Why are you so good at this?" Abby questions.

"Yeah why are you so good at this?" Adam jokes.

"Because I'm a natural," Jake mocked. I just laugh.

My turn. I pick up my light blue ball and toss it. It rolls right down the middle and I get a strike.

"Whooohoo! Go babe!" Adam yells.

"What just happened?" Jake ponders.

"Cheat!" Abby accuses.

"What? I've bowled, a little bit," I smirk. Adam high fives me.

Now it's Adam's turn. His green ball goes flying down the middle till it rolls to the right. He knocks down 6 pins and ends up getting a spare.

The rest of the game practically repeats the first round over and over. Abby gets a gutter ball, I get a strike, and whatever Jake got, Adam got in reverse.

The 8th round is where things started to shift. Going in, I had 150 points, Jake had 96 points, Adam had 110, and Abby had 0 points. But in this round Abby actually got on the board.

Before, Abby kept rolling the ball down the middle but it rolled into the gutter in the last second.

This time she threw the ball a little too far to the left, but it rolled to the middle and she got 5 pins. She had a 3-2 split and she decided to go for the three on the left. She ended up getting all three making her total an 8.

We all cheered.


"Go Abby!"

"That's my girl!"

Abby took a deep bow. "Finally," she breathed.

Jake took a turn for the worst. Both of his bowls ended in the gutter.

"Why can't we have bumpers?" He mopes.

"Because we're not kindergartners," Abby sneers.

"You have eight points Abby, it's not exactly something to brag about," I say while I retrieve my ball. She just gapes at me. "What?" I look at all three of them staring at me. "It's true."

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