Chapter 17 Official First Date

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We got back from our trip on Tuesday. Adam and I decided to have our first "official" date Friday night, the 10th of July. He wouldn't tell me what he was planning, only that I should dress up.

Of course when a guy tells you to dress up, that means you have to go shopping. So my mom and I went out on Thursday to look for a dress.

My mom was so happy when I told her about Adam asking me out. She was begging me for the details, and I didn't miss a thing. Only my mother would run over to hug me and whisper, "I knew that you two would be cute together the moment I saw him catch you in that restaurant!" Technically he landed on me, but I didn't argue.

We walked around the mall for hours, I tried on dress after dress, but they all still seemed to be missing something. Something that says, "Look at me! LOVE me." Sorry, couldn't help myself.

But finally, we found a dress that I felt was just right. It's a $64 gold sequin dress that shows most of my back. I also bought some sparky heels to match. For accessories, I found a gold sequined clutch, and a gold bangle.

While I'm getting ready for my date, I put in some diamond earrings, and smooth a pink lipstick over my lips. I leave my hair in its natural wavy state, but I put on some mascara. By the time I'm done I hear a knock on the door.

My mom answers it, and even from upstairs I can't miss her, "Oh Adam! You look so handsome!"

I walk out of my room and peek over the banister. I see my father walk in with a serious face.

"Now son, you better take good care of her. I don't want no funny business, or I'll have your head."

"Yes of course sir. Your daughter is in good hands," Adam looks unfazed. All my past boyfriends would have cowered at my dads threat. But Adam? He looks as strong and as confident as ever. And I can't help but admire him.

I turn the corner to reach the top of the stairs, as to let the three of them know that I'm ready to go. I smile as I descend, looking straight into Adam's eyes. I wish I could tell what he's thinking. With how he's watching my every move, I can tell it has something to do with how I look.

"Hi," I say as I reach the bottom.

"Wow, Chloe you look gorgeous," he muses. Told ya. My parents thankfully leave us to talk.

"Thanks. You don't look too shabby yourself. I mean you clean up nice, I might even be into you," I joke.

He laughs. "Nice. Copying the movies already? I like it. Well, shall we go?" That joke was from 27 Dresses, just in case you didn't know.

"I sincerely hope that you are feeding me. I'm starving."

"Yes of course m'lady. I already have a place picked out."

"Mmm, lovely," I marvel. Adam holds the passenger door open for me while I slide in.

We drove to Mansfield for dinner. All the best restaurants are over there and Adam took me to the Italian one.

As soon as we walked into Olive Garden, we could smell the garlic and breadsticks. Mmmmm..... Do I love those breadsticks.... Adam picked a great place, one of my favorites actually.

The waiter asked what we wanted to drink and I ordered a lemonade, while Adam ordered a root beer.

I stared at him questioningly. He raised his eyebrows before he said, "What?"

"I just never pegged you for the root beer type," I state matter of factly.

He chuckles. "Yeah? I don't know. I like root beer the best. And I love it when they come in the beer bottles at some restaurants." I gape at him. "What?"

"I love it when they're served in those beer bottles too!"

"Nuh uh. You do not." I nod at him. "Wow. Look at us! Already finding something in common!" He smiles.

"Ha-ha. Statistically, that was bound to happen."

"You really love 27 Dresses, don't you? Cause that's the second quote you've done from that movie, just tonight."

I laugh. "You're right. I didn't even realize..."

"They come naturally, don't they?"

"Yes they do. They pop into my head and then out of my mouth."

"Oh, so you have no filter?"

"Hey now! You know what I mean!" He just laughs as I look back down at my menu. "I think I'll get the smallest plate of pasta on the menu."

"You don't have to get that. I'm paying."

"Exactly. That's why I have to get it. Besides, I have to save room for some dessert," I smirk.

"Ahhh. Now you're talking."

We eat our dinner while we have a wonderful conversation. I'm eating most of the breadsticks, but Adam doesn't seem to mind. He ate more of the salad. We end up sharing a dessert together before Adam pays and drives me to our next destination.

"The movie theater?" I ask.

"Yeah. I figured why not start dating the way we first bonded? I'm sorry I don't have a great book for ya, but I'm sure we can do that in a later date."

"Okay well what did you want to see?"

"The lady has a choice between The Gallows, and Minions."

"Mmmm. As much as I would love to curl up next to you right now, I couldn't handle a horror movie. Let's see Minions!"

"Okay." Adam pays for the tickets for the 8:30 showing. We still had some time so we went to Target to get candy. Shh! We snuck it in... Somehow, some way.

We still got some popcorn, and a large root beer to share. We sat in our seats at about 8:00. It was the first night it was on, so you can say there were a lot of people there. Good thing we got there early enough to still get good seats.


The movie was hilarious! Honestly, minions have got to be one of the funniest fictional characters ever created. But I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it....

On the drive home, we discuss our favorite parts of the movie. We talk about what was funny and dumb, the parts that were dumb but yet funny, and the ending.

Back at my house, Adam walks me to my door. We say goodnight and are about to kiss when my dad pulls the door open.

"Goodnight Mr. Collins. Thank you for bringing her home safely."

"No problem, sir. Goodnight Chloe."

"Night Adam."

As soon as he walks off, my dad turns to me, "Was I interrupting something?" He looks at me innocently, with a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Daaaaad," I groan, before walking into the house.

He may have ruined the kiss, but he certainly did not ruin my night.

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