Chapter 10 The Notebook

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I'm on the right side of the bed and Adam is on the left. The bowl of popcorn sits in between us. Our heads are at the foot of my bed watching intently at the screen in front of us. The slow intro comes on and Adam has a questioning look on his face. Like why are we watching some dude rowing? Those of you who haven't seen The Notebook, shame on you, because it has to be one of the best romance movies ever! And seriously, spoiler alert.


We both laughed when the old guy, Duke, gave the old women a look like "it's true" when the nurse said that he is very funny. The woman is reluctant at first, but she decides to listen to Duke's story. Must be because she is curious to see if he is actually funny. Anything to make you laugh while your stuck in a nursing home I guess.


I absolutely love the carnival part! I think Noah is super cute and he only gets hotter throughout the movie. Just saying.

While watching Noah stare at the ferris wheel Adam asked, "What is he going to do?" I didn't have time to reply because the character on the screen did it. "He is crazy! What is he doing?"

"Awww, Adam! You wouldn't jump onto a ferris wheel to impress a girl?"

"What? No! Are you crazy? I could die!"

"You wouldn't, even for your one true love?"

"No. There are other ways to impress girls then- He's literally hanging off one handed! Man he must be super self confident... Wow, he's desperate.... Oh now that's embarrassing." His reactions are great. So great that I can't help but laugh harder.


I have the biggest smile on my face as Allie says your dumb and Noah reply's with, "I can be that." Adam and I both start laughing. We end up laughing a few seconds later when they're talking about looking great. I tell ya, this movie gives me the good kind of chills.

My favorite part is the road one. I tell Adam this as well.

"This is my favorite part," I whisper.


"Just wait."

~"Your gonna get run over," Allie says.

"By all the cars?" Noah asks as he lays down in the middle of the street. "My dad and I used to come out here, lay down and watch the lights change. Watch them go from green to red to yellow... You could try it if you wanted to."


"Why not?"

"Because, I don't know. Would you just get up?"

"That's your problem, you know that? You don't do what you want."

Allie looks in both directions. "Okay," she says as she too, lays down. She lifts her head to look forward and then behind them before asking, "So what happens if a car comes?"

"We die." Noah answers immediately.


"Just relax. Just trust, you need to learn how to trust."


When a car does come, Allie screams and then laughs hysterically, which causes Adam and I to laugh. "Oh, that's why," he says as they start to dance. "It's because how they're flirting?"

"Ha. Yeah. It's definitely the cutest start to a summer romance."

The next time we laughed was when Noah's dad embarrassed him. I like that part too. I couldn't help but notice that Adam is smiling the whole time. He's really getting into it and enjoying himself.

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