Chapter 7 Zoe

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"Zoe Rodriguez was head cheerleader. I was football captain. Everyone assumed that we'd be together, but we weren't. She was dating one of the other football players, Matt, so it wasn't even an option. But when they broke up, a lot of classmates got excited that we might actually date. Some people thought it was my doing, me breaking them up, or maybe the talks about us being together finally got to her.

"Early this year was when we first met. We knew each other yes, but we had never talked before. We had math together and I got put in the seat right behind her. I have to admit, she was pretty hot, and her hair smelled really good.... What? The scent was really strong."

"Uh huh. Surrree." Chloe smirked.

"Anyways, on the 5th of January we weren't doing much in math. I had finished my homework early and couldn't help but stare at Zoe. I'm not going to lie, I also took a whiff of her hair but she caught me."


"What are you doing?" Zoe snapped.

"What? I uh.... nothing."

"You were smelling my hair weren't you?"

"Pssshh. No I wasn't, what you talking 'bout?"

"Stop lying. I know you did. You smell my hair everyday, I just didn't say anything before." Do I? I would remember if I smelled her hair every- oh yeah, I do do it everyday. Since I didn't say anything she added,"Uh huh. That's what I thought." I laughed at her smart-aleck comment.


"After that, Zoe and I started talking everyday. We became friends. I even started helping her with math since she struggled.

"A month went by and I finally asked her out just in time for Valentine's day. She said yes and everyone got so excited. People came up to us, congratulated us, and even winked at us. It was a big deal at our school.

"As for the actual relationship, it was great. Zoe was fun, attractive, and she was really nice. At least, she was until she started hanging out with Mia."

"Wait, hold on. You knew she started to hang out with Mia and you didn't talk to her about it?" Chloe questions.

"Yeah, actually I did. But she didn't believe me. Or maybe she didn't care. I don't know, but she started to change. Elena, Victoria, and Mia were best friends and they did everything together."

"Oh my God. This is like Mean Girls."

"Yeah and they brought Zoe into the group. After awhile, she started complaining and acting bitchy until she got what she wanted. When Jake saw a picture of her, he told me that if I didn't sleep with her, he would."

Chloe raises an eyebrow. "Annd did you?"

"Yeah... Don't look at me like that. A guy has needs, you know."

"Whatever," she rolls her eyes.

"In the beginning, she was nice. But in the end, she turned evil. She hadn't been talking to me for like a month before I broke it off. I had to dump her before coming here. I couldn't be tied down when going to a new school."

"You sound like such a player!"

"Are you really that surprised? Jake is my best friend. You didn't think we'd have similar qualities?"

"I hoped you'd have more integrity."

"Well, I guess not." She looks down and then back up at me. I decide to take her silence as a sign to continue.

"Now today I found out that she cheated on me with Trevor. My one good friend over there, and even he betrayed me. He texted me this morning saying how Zoe is with him now. And while she was dating me, he used to fuck her every day."

"Wow. What an asshole. He texted just to brag? How could they do that to you? You need to find a better girl Adam. One that doesn't cheat on you. One that doesn't live in California. One that you can be yourself around, and herself around you. Someone you can be honest with and have mutual respect. One where you both can make each other laugh. And.... shall I continue?"

"Sure, if it helps me get a better girlfriend the next time I start dating."

"The next time you start dating?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking of taking myself out of the dating pool for awhile. I don't need the drama or stress. Plus I won't have to waste my money and get dragged to places I don't want to go."

"What are you talking about? You came with me to the mall today."

"That's because I was forcccto," I'm trailing off because she makes a valid point.

"Exactly. I forced you here because we needed to talk. So where are you going with this?"

"We aren't on a date. If this were a date, I'd act differently."

"Who said it wasn't a date?" Chloe asks as she pulls out my phone, and puts the password in as she moves closer.

"Hey! How do you know my password?"

"I watched you put it in last night," she replies while sitting on my lap, and putting my arms around her. "Smile." She takes a picture and types something in. Finally, she hands me back my phone and goes back to her seat.

I look at my phone to find she sent a message back to Trevor.

Yeah, that's right. I found a new girl to hang out with. Bet you're wishing you were in my position right now.

I got a reply back saying:

Wow. She's hot.

I replied:

Who is this?

It's Trevor man. Come on u no me.

Sorry but I don't know a Trevor, so you better stop texting me before I get the authorities involved.

I wanted to scare him off by reminding him how much power my family has. We have more money and better lawyers. It must have worked because he didn't text back.

"So, what was that for?" I ask Chloe.

"I'm sure he will tell Zoe, so then she will text you and-" As if on cue, Zoe texts me.

Who are you with right now?

Hmm. Funny, but you care why? And how would you know I'm with someone? Still with Trevor? I see how it is, and last time I checked you cheated on me. Several times. I don't date cheaters. Too bad I don't have time to brag about my hot new girlfriend.


"So?" Chloe was waiting.

"I blocked her. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life."

"See? Good for you and don't you feel better? Like a weight lifted off your shoulders?"

"I kind of do. What's next messiah?"

"I hear your sarcasm and consider it ignored. So where do you stand on dating?"

"I am not dating."

"Alright, well I have a plan. How about you just hang out with me a lot? No dating. Just friends getting to know each other. Trust me, hanging out with another girl will make you trust girls again and move on. I think what you need is to see that there are a variety of girls, not just peppy and manipulative."

"Sounds good. So what's the first step in this plan?"

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