Chapter 3 Clumsy Me

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Once we get uncle Matthew, his wife Fiona, and their two kids, Eugene and Amelia their bags, we start for the exit. Before we could make it there, I trip over someone's bag and fall on my butt.


"I'm sorry are you o-" I turn to see who it is only to find Adam smiling down at me. "Well Ms. Taylor, we should stop meeting this way," he said as he helped me up. I stare in disbelief that once again, I am faced with the most adorable guy I've ever seen.

"Thanks," was all I managed.

"Who's this?" I heard my mom say.

"Mom this is Adam Collins. Adam this is my mom."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Taylor."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Mom, dad, this is Chloe Taylor, the girl I ran into earlier." Actually I ran into him. But it's nice to know he's a gentleman about it.

"Well hi! I'm sorry you ran into my son. He doesn't watch where he's going." Oh that's okay. From what I've seen, he doesn't have any flaws. Oh yeah, he's perfect.

"It's okay. I don't mind, really." Is it me? Or did I just sound like I'm happy to have run into him? I think it's just me... I'm overthinking this right??

"We don't want to bother you but do you happen to know any good restaurants around here?" Mr. Collins inquired.

"That's what you asked them? Not directions but a place for food?" Mrs. Collins replied.

"What? I'm famished."

"Of course you are dear."

"It's fine, really. We were just going out to eat actually. Would you like to join us?" My mom HAD to ask them to eat with us. A part of me screamed no and the other begged for them to say yes. Why do boys make a girl's life so complicated?

"Well that would be lovely," Mrs. Collins answered.

That's how I ended up staring at Adam for a whole meal.
"So where are you guys traveling from?" Mr. Collins asked.

"Singapore," my uncle answered.

"Oh yeah? That sounds like quite the trip!"

"No no. We live there," Fiona corrected.

"Wow. So you folks travelling back to visit the family then?" Mr. Collins questioned.

"Yes. We come to visit around this time every year," Matthew replied.

Mrs. Collins jumped in, "That must be expensive!"

"No. I earn miles everytime we travel, so we get to travel a lot."

"Really? Where have you traveled?"

"Oh we've been to Tokyo, Thailand, Oregon, Florida, Bali, Florenn...."

My uncle rattling off every place they have traveled became background noise as my thoughts trailed to Adam. I watch as he reacts to some of the places, and then how he listens intently when the dinner topic shifts. My family and his make some jokes and they all laugh, but all my attention is on Adam. His laugh is sweet and his smile is the best one I have ever seen. I notice him look at me curiously, and I continue to stare until I realize I've been caught in the act.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Or do you just have a habit of staring at people?"

I blush as I say, "I uhhh... I'm okay." Well that was intelligent.

Adam chuckles. "I'm only teasing. Although I see the way you can't keep your eyes off me," he smirks.

My mouth drops.

Before I could redeem myself with a smart response, my mom asks if the Collins are visiting family and my curiosity shifts once again.

"No. We are just visiting. But we are going to stay with some friends for the year," Mr. Collins said. "It'll be fun to watch our two oldest graduate together." Wait.

"What about me?" One of Adam's sisters ask.

"I didn't forget about you. It's just that both of our families have boys graduating this year."

I heard her mutter something, but I couldn't quite make it out.

"Well my daughter will be graduating this year as well," my mom said proudly. "I'm not ready to watch her go off to college though. My only child is all grown up!"

Before my mom starts crying over me leaving for college, I get up to use the bathroom. As I walked away, I felt those brown eyes trailing me till I was out of sight.

While I walked back, I pulled out my phone to see who texted me. BIG MISTAKE. I hit my head hard on a tray full of food! Time slowed as I fell backward. Someone caught me just before my head could slam into the floor. Then my savior shielded me from all the flying food.

I layed there for a second with the mysterious hand cradling my head. I opened my eyes to find those chocolate eyes staring down at me. Unable to move I said, "Whoops, clumsy me."

"Yeah. I saw you pull out your phone and I knew there was trouble. You know, you really can't walk and text at the same time." Thanks. I know. When I didn't say anything he helped me up. I wavered a bit so he asked, "Are you okay?" A nod from me and, "Are you sure?" I nodded once more but he helped me over to our table anyways. "She's fine folks really."

"I'm so sorry," the waiter I ran into was saying.

"No, no. It's fine. It was my fault."

"Are you sure?" How many times was I going to hear that today? Although I could just be angry for looking like an idiot in front of the cutest guy in the whole world three times in one day.

"Yes, I'm sure."

After that I couldn't focus on our families' conversation anymore, not that I could to begin with. All I could think about was the warm, toned arms that wrapped around mine to support me. When it was time to leave, we said our goodbyes and congratulations for all of us seniors. I realize now that some of Adam's younger siblings have no resemblance to the rest of them, which only intrigues me more. Too bad this time, I was SURE that I would never, ever, see Adam again. Once again, that's what I thought.

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