Chapter 22 Drive in

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The following day, Adam and I spent alone. He came over at a reasonable hour, and we discussed what we could do. And when I say reasonable, I mean not at the crack of dawn.

"I wanna go on a walk," he states.

"Okay, I know some great places to go walking. We could go to the field, walk in the woods, or walk my bike path."

"What's your bike path?" Adam asks, curious.

"You know what, we'll do that some other day. Where do you want to go?"

"Umm, okay. The field?" Adam looks confused.

"Yeah, I can never say the name right, but it's the one where the balloon fest takes place. It's half out in the sun, half under the trees."

"Sure. Let's check it out."

I drive us there since Adam has driven my car for most of our dates. We get out of the car and see there are a few others milling about. Some ride bikes, others are rollerblading, and the rest are just walking. There's even a couple walking their dogs.

"Wow. Popular place," Adam says.

"Not usually. Whenever I do come here, it's never this busy. There's usually only one or two people."

"Huh. Well which way? Left or right?"

"Left. I want to get walking in the sun over with first."

"Okay. You know, I don't think we ever finished our conversation," Adam thinks back to weeks ago.

"What conversation?" Now I'm the confused one.

"The one where you asked me a question, and then I would ask you. And we would both answer each other's questions. We left off on your favorite romance movie."

"Which you never answered by the way," I point out.

"I don't know. I liked The Notebook, but I liked all the movies we watched."

"Now you know why I had so many problems picking."

"Yeah I do. There were a few that really stuck out to me: like The Proposal, What Happens In Vegas, 17 Again, 27 Dresses, and She's The Man. The Proposal was... interesting. What Happens In Vegas was funny. 17 Again was different. Kevin made 27 Dresses. And She's The Man was comical."

"I always loved 27 Dresses. I thought James Marsden was really funny as Kevin."

"Yeah he was. I liked that movie, but I really liked She's The Man. But I think my favorite is actually Can't Buy Me Love. No okay. It's 27 Dresses. On our first date I quoted that movie a lot." I start laughing at his indecisiveness. "What?" Adam asks innocently.

"You," I chuckle. "You can't make up your mind."

"Well it's made up now," he smiles. He stops for a minute, causing me to stop and turn around. "I think it's your turn now," he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

I take the hint and ask him, "What did you think when we first met?"

I see he's taken aback with my question, expecting a less serious one, like the first question I asked about his favorite color.

"I saw a beautiful girl sitting on the ground. Staring at me was these wondrous eyes that sparkled like diamonds. Her hair shined like the sun. Her skin glowed with a gorgeous tan. Her lips painted the color of a red rose. She was a vision. She was clumsy. And she couldn't stop staring at me." He takes a step closer to me. "Your turn."

I had no idea that through all my staring he had noticed that much about me. And I forgot I had decided to wear red lipstick that day. I never wear red, it's always pink. But for some reason I had put on red. The color of Aurora. And that's the memory I had given Adam.

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