Chapter 15 The Best Day

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Day 4:
The Fourth of July. It was spectacular! And such a beautiful day. Yes, this is the day that made the trip that much better. So hold on to your glasses and buckle your seat belts because you all are going to flip!

Abby and I walk across the hall and knock on the door. It's 9:00 in the morning and the two of us are already dressed and ready to go. The park opens at 10 but we want to get the boys, eat a quick breakfast, and head in. We have platinum passes so we get into the park an hour early. And the best part is that it's open till 1:00 a.m!

"Hello?" A groggy Jake peeks out.

"Who is it Jake?" A sleepy Adam pokes his head out from behind him. "Oh hey girls, come on in."

We walk inside. I see David is confused about what's going on. We woke him up while he was trying to sleep in.

"Hey David, why don't you go back to our room and sleep some more in there? It will be much quieter," I say.

"I'm glad you asked," David says when he finally understands what's going on. "I didn't want to stay and listen to you guys anyways," he stated as he walked out of the room and across the hall.

"Hey boys, long time no sleep apparently," I turn my attention to the two sleepyheads that obviously just woke up.

"Yeah, well it was a long night," Jake admits.

"Hmm. I wonder why. Would the noises we heard last night have anything to do with your lack of sleep?" Abby snaps.

"Sassy much, sis?" Adam jokes. Abby sticks her tongue out at him. "But maybe that might have something to do with it," he scratches his head.

"Well I hope you're rested enough because we're going to eat breakfast, and it's going to be a really long day," I note. "So hurry up, get ready. We are going to get food and bring it back here. We'll be back in ten."

~Ten minutes later~

"We're back!" I say.

"And we got the good stuff," Abby boasted.

We eat in the boys hotel room. When we finish, we head down to the lobby. There we exit the hotel and start walking to the park.

Once we reach the park entrance, I take the liberty to mention that we're going from the small rides to the bigger ones. I also take the the time to claim Abby as my ride buddy. I need to get to the bottom of this, and soon.

We walk all the way to the front of the park. The first ride we get on is the Blue Streak.

"Hey where do you guys want to sit?" I ask.

"Jake and I are sitting at the back," Adam answers.

"Great! Me and Abby are sitting at the front. We'll meet you guys at the exit," I tell them.

We go our separate ways. As soon as the boys are out of earshot I whisper to Abby, "We need to talk."

"What about?" She questions.

"Hey I ask the questions around here. I just needed to get away from the boys because I need to ask you something."

"Yeah, sure anything. Hold on. Why do we need to be away from the boys?" She says this as we get on the ride and buckle in.

"Because I don't want them around. And because I needed to ask you a private question about one of them."

"You like my brother don't you?"


"Oh come on. Don't act like you don't understand what I'm talking about. You like him don't you?"

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