Chapter 28 Play Ball

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On August 1st we had our annual softball game. Yet another family outing with the crazies. Since its too much to get together for the holidays, we all come together twice in the summer. And it's been exactly two days since the reunion.

I woke up this morning feeling kind of sorry for Adam since he has to deal with my family all over again. Just this time he has to witness the competitive side.

He saunters over, with Jake and Abby right behind him.

"Good morning," I tell him.

"Morning," he gives me a peck on the lips.

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with my crazy family twice in one week," I apologize.

"It's okay. I thought they were interesting. We also left early, so I didn't get to talk to many of them."

"It's probably better if you don't. There won't be much time for that anyways," I say. "We're going to eat a quick lunch and play ball!"

"Who's team am I going to be on this year?" Jake asks.

"Wait, you've played with her family before?" Adam looks confused.

"Yeah. While our family was growing, we needed a few extra ball players. Now he's just a part of the game."

"How long ago was that?"

"His first time joining was when we began having a softball game tradition. That was when we were like what, eight?" I ponder.

"Yeah that sounds about right. You were about to turn eight that year. It was fun because we got to celebrate your birthday twice," Jake adds.

"Right, my parents wanted me to have family around because I'm an only child. So that year they tried getting all my aunts and uncles together from both sides of my family. Now it's just been my mom's side for the past six years."

"Your dad's side got too old and we didn't need extra players anymore."

"Yeah. Well, this might be the last one anyways..." Everyone looks at me.

"Then we better make it the best one yet," Adam cheerfully says.

My parents call us to announce they are leaving and we all clamber into my mom's car. My dad drives separately.

We reach the park where all of the fields are and drive to the one in the very back. I'm surprised to see that a good number of people are already here. Normally my mom's side are fashionably late.

The coolers are sitting next to the picnic tables, most of the food has already been brought, and baseball bats and gloves litter the grass next to the field.

"Hey," Michael says.

"Hi Jake," Rachael gushes. She has had a crush on him since grade school.

"Hello Rachael," Jake responds. He has always loved the attention. I roll my eyes.

"Hi, Rachael is it?" Abby interjects. "I'm Abby. Jake's girlfriend."

"Oh. Nice to meet you." My cousin backs off.

"Alright, alright. Not that I wouldn't love a good cat fight right now, but Abby you need to pick a fight with some girl other than my cousin. I'm sure there will be plenty of those at school." I mutter that last part.

I walk away with Adam in tow. We grab a couple of drinks from the cooler before I introduce him to all of my aunts and uncles. It took us a minute to reach all eleven families, but I refused to try an catch all of their kids.

Some of my aunts and uncles tried to point out which children were theirs, but I think Adam couldn't even remember their names, let alone their kids.

When everyone finally arrived (because I told you this side is known to be late), we thanked God for our food.

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