Chapter 4 Fate Strikes Again

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It had been a week since I met Adam and I still couldn't stop thinking about him. I mean, what was my problem? I told myself I would never see him again, yet here I was daydreaming of seeing him day after day. I even had a dream where I sang "Once Upon A Dream" and he came up behind me just as prince Phillip did. Although we both looked the part, it was never going to happen.

Yes, what I'm saying is that I look like princess Aurora in all her beauty. Not to brag, but I am beautiful. I have her long dark eyelashes and blonde hair. Adam even looks like he could be my Prince Phillip. Sleeping Beauty is still my favorite Disney princess, even though I'm practically a senior in high school.

I'm in my computer room, practicing my cheers when I hear the neighbors. I peek out the window to see them all outside by the pool. Great.

Jake Wilson is the most popular boy in school. Ironically, he lives next to me, the most popular girl. Everyone assumes that we will get together, but that's never going to happen. He's too full of himself.

As I spy, I think I recognize the people he's with when one of them points in my direction. Crap! I've been spotted! Oh no! Jake's walking over...

He comes up the back porch and knocks. I sheepishly answer, knowing that he saw me peering at them. "Yes?"

"If you're going to stare, you might as well come over."

"I was not staring! I was just wondering what all the noise was about."

"Sure you weren't. Just go get changed and come over. You can meet my friends. Their going to be living with us for the year." That sounds familiar.

"What if I don't want to come over?"

"Then I'll carry you over and toss you into the pool like that," he challenges. "Although it wouldn't be as fun without you in your bikini."

"Ugh fine, but I'm wearing my one piece because of that comment!" I snap.

After I change, I throw shorts and a t-shirt over top. When I come back downstairs, Jake's still waiting in the living room. He's not usually a gentleman, so I wonder why he waited for me.

"You're still here? The movie's over. Go home, go," I shoo dramatically.

"HA, HA. Very funny E. Let's go."

"Don't call me E. My name is Chloe, not just E."

"Fine. Chlo-Eee. Hurry up."

I decide to bite my tongue and follow. There's no use arguing with this boy. He's been a mule since grade school.

We walk down the porch steps and over to Jake's in ground pool. As we approach, I realize that my earlier assumption was right.

"Hey guys. This is Chloe, my next door neighbor. Chloe, this is..."

"We already met," Adam interjected. Adam. In a 'Sun's out, Gun's out' T-shirt. Boys. Why do they have to be so cute?

"Wait, really? When?" Jake was surprised.

"Remember the girl from the airport?" Jake nodded. "Yeah, that was her."

Jake burst out laughing. "Wow! Nice going Chloe! Bet you felt real embarrased. I mean, did you take clumsy pills that morning or something?" He continues to laugh while I roll my eyes. "Chloe Taylor tripping all over herself. I only wish I could have been there!"

I decide to ignore him and turn my attention to Adam. "So this is your friend?"

"Nah. My parents are just friends with his parents."

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