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As I write the date, time and location for the last shipment I close my small leather black book and shove it in the back pocket of my pants. I've been here for 3 hours and all I want is a burger and some fries.

Is that too much to ask?

Sneaking sneakily around the corner, I walk causally away from the abandoned building that I was behind and join the normal streets of the city.

Quickly but not too quickly as to raise any suspicion I make my way over to the nearest subway station and hop onto the first one I see.

Once I get to my stop I walk off and towards the corner shop to get a burger. Turning the corner into the alleyway entrance to the shop I get hit over the back of the head with a heavy object, knocking me out instantly.

I gain consciousness what I'm guessing is a couple hours later but as I said earlier keeping track of time isn't really my strong suit. My head is fuzzy and the spot where I was struck throbs painfully. I keep my eyes closed as not to signify that I'm awake, I kinda need a plan first. The muffled sounds of deep male voices reach my ears, ones with accents.

Italian maybe?

Pulling at my arms ever so slightly I discover that they are tied behind my back, a small smirk makes it's way onto my face.

"How'd you know that I love being tied up?" I lift my head and smirk up at the three of men stood in the dark room looking down at me.

Their eyes snap to mine, suddenly aware of my consciousness and I take a second to study them. They're all pretty big, the shortest is stood on the left, the tallest in the middle and on the right is one in between both heights. Even in the dark light I can tell that they are all model worthy men.

My eyes trail back to the guy stood on the left. He looks so familiar, where have I seen him before?

"Bellisima?" Now I know where I know him, coffee shop boy.

"Coffee shop boy." I raise an eyebrow at him, familiar his man bun and incredibly perfect eyebrows now making sense.

"Sorry for almost spilling your drink gorgeous." He apologises again and I would wave him off but my hands are kinda tied.

"No worries, I'm over it." I say instead.  

The tall guy turns to him and starts having a hushed angry conversation with him.

"Can you speak up a bit, I can't hear you from all the way over here." Tall guy stops his whisper shouting and glares at me as if he wants me dead.

I'm shaking in my boots.

I'm no idiot. I know exactly who these people are.

Non other than the Italian mafia.

Tall guy is Matteo Luca Marchetti aka leader, aka mafia don, aka boss man.

Which means that coffee boy is probably his younger brother Enrico since they look pretty similar, leaving the last guy to be Cairo, the right hand man and second in command.  

Along with this, they are the people's shipments that I have been hijacking and selling for two years now.

Which is probably why they've kidnapped me; scratch that it's definitely why they've kidnapped me.


In my defence, they make it too easy.

So it's technically their own faults not mine.

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