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I practically shove Luna into the passenger seat and hop into the backseat to avoid being close to him. When I'm near him, my brain fuckin scrambles and forgets why I'm trying to keep my distance.

Cause if I don't I'll end up jumping him and end up inevitably heartbroken and that's what I'm desperately trying to avoid right now.

As soon as the car comes to a stop, I climb out and walk straight into the house. We're the last ones to get back so it's already unlocked. I run up the stairs and into my room to change out of my dress and into some comfy grey shorts and a green crewneck sweater.

My phone dings with a message from Luna saying that she's 'about to go into a food comma' and that 'she'll see me in the morning'.

I make sure to slip on some fluffy socks and take off my makeup before I walk out of my room just in time to see Alessandro and Lorenzo shutting what I'm guessing is the twins bedroom after saying goodnight, mainly because of the way their treading lightly and whispering.

The pairs attention turns to me as we meet at the top of the stairs.

"Everyones going to watch a movie, you're welcome to join. We have popcorn and alcohol." Alessandro whispers to me and I smile softly.

"Depends what movie."

"If you join you can help decide." Lorenzo comments and I internally scrunch up my face at how nice they are.

I hum and gesture for them to go down first. They both send me a warm smile and I follow behind them. Both men walk into a room that I'm assuming is the living room and I head for the kitchen.

The kitchen lights are dim but I make out the figures of Imara and Eleonora as they chat from opposite sides of the island.

"Ciao colomba." Imara says as I walk into the room.

"Hey Mara, Eleonora. I just came for some water." Making my way towards the cupboards, I grab a glass, fill it with water and walk back over to them.

"You staying down for the movie and please call me Nora, Eleonora is too formal." Eleonora questions.

"I think so, your husband is very persuasive Nora. He promised alcohol and popcorn." She rolls her eyes playfully and I laugh.

"Come on, let's go before they pick some shit excuse for a movie and eat all the food." Imara chimes, pushing off the counter.

We walk into the room their husbands disappeared into to find them sat beside each other having left perfect wife sized gaps in between. I bite back an aw as the two woman take their places, both of them getting wrapped up in their husbands arms and a kiss planted on their temple.

I scan the rest of the room. Cairo and Enrico sit on the love seat together leaving Vincent and Matteo on separate sides of their couch, both glued to their phones. Reluctantly I take the spot in-between them, letting myself smile a little when Matteo throws half of his blanket over me.

After a heated debate on what movie to watch we end up sticking on some random action movie. When the movie starts, Vincent finally puts down his phone and Matteo follows suit.

As time goes on and we become more and more absorbed in the action, I don't even notice myself leaning into Matteo side for warmth and impossibly don't realise his arm that's resting on the back of the couch slowly slip down to rest across my shoulders. And then just like last night, we absentmindedly start feeding each other popcorn.

All of that on autopilot, without a second thought. Even though I know I should pull away, I can't bring myself to. He's so warm he makes me warm and what I really mean is that he makes me feel content, happy even.


Am I going to regret this tomorrow? Yes. But does that mean that I'm not going to enjoy it right now. No, no it does not.

Deciding that if I'm going indulge, I'm going to do it properly, I lay my head on him and let him pull me closer. I open my mouth to make my intentions clear but he shushes me.

"Shh, I know. Just for now." And that's when I completely melt into his body.

Jesus fuck how is he so good? There's no other explanation other than he can read my mind.

My eyes fix themselves back on the screen and the daunting realisation that we barley lasted a few hours apart from each other before we ended back in each others arms, hits me.

Well shit.

I don't know how we are going to go back to our unspoken no touching rule but considering that we broke it very quickly, it's going to be impossible. I've grown to appreciate simple touches ever since I met him.

Correction, I've grown to appreciate his simple touches.

Oh no this is not good. Not good at all.


"Aw, Enzo look at how cute they are." Imara's hushed voice reaches my ears and I shove my head deeper into what I'm now thinking is Matteo's neck.

Ah shit we fell asleep didn't we.

The arms that are looped around my waist grip me tighter and I sigh.

So warm.

"Nora, Nora. Wake your ass up." The sound of a pillow getting thrown followed by a loud groan fills the room before a small shriek.

"Where's my phone? Aless! Svegliati, stupida puttana, dov'è il mio telefono?"  Wake up you stupid bitch, where is my phone? Ah, what a lovely way to wake up the love of her life.

I feel Matteo shift beneath me and roughly two seconds go by before he throws a blanket over us, completely covering us and our heads and shoves his face into my neck, turning us on our side.

"Two more minutes Vee." Matteo mumbles into my neck, his voice thick with sleep.


Yeah turns out that two minutes can easily turn into a two hours.

When I finally awake again, I try and lift my body off of his but he tugs me back again.

"Matteo." I groan, picking a piece of popcorn out of his hair. "We can't."

"We could." He opens his eyes, smiling cheekily down at me and I glare back.

"No. We agreed, just friends." Once he lets go of me, I roll of of him and watch as he turns onto his side to look at me.

Matteo frowns grumbling something along the lines of "Just friends, bullshit."

I roll my eyes and he scrunches his nose at me. Folding my lips to stop myself smiling, I scrunch my nose back before walking out of the room.

That can never happen again.



i literally couldn't deal with them not being like normal hence the sudden change

i like to make up for my lack of romance by reading and writing which is probably why their always touching some way or other.


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