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"Do you want another coffee?" Matteo screams from downstairs.

"Yes please." I scream back.


He's so sweet.

About two minutes later, Matteo storms into my room, his shoulder shrugged holding his phone up to his ear and an iced coffee in each hand.

"Sì. Sì, mamma. Certo. Sì, lo sto dicendo a leiadesso. Ok? Ti parlerò dopo mamma, tivoglio bene."

Yes. Yes, mamma. Sure. Yes, I'm telling her now. Okay? I'll talk to you later mamma, love you.

Ending the call, he throws his phone down onto the bed and hands me the larger cup before settling down next to me with his back against the headboard.

"Mara?" I question and he nods, "How is she?"

"Good. A little stressed, she's planning her annual gala for this weekend and it's kind of become a big thing over here," he rolls his eyes "so she's stressed, wanting every thing to be perfect."

He runs a hand down his face and over his forehead, "She's already stabbed two people and would've killed another if it weren't for my father."

I stifle a laugh, that woman is something else, I would not want to end up on her bad side. Ever.

"She called to tell me that we have to go or else and that she's sending three dresses down for you to pick from but if you have anything in mind you can wear whatever you'd like."

"Sounds good." I'm going to have to talk to people aren't I?

"You sure?"

"Mhm. Are you sure?"

Matteo turns his head to watch me. "Look at me."

I don't reply.

"Look at me please. Not everyone has the pleasure of seeing my gorgeous face up close." I scoff and turn to look at him. Cocky bastard

"There. That wasn't so hard now was it?" He teases and I go to turn away again but he catches my jaw making me narrow my eyes.

"Trust me when I say that you're going to have fun and if you don't we can always just ditch and go skinny dipping."

"Why is that the only other alternative?"

"You don't want go skinny dipping with me?" Matteo questions, almost sounding offended.

I send him a blank look and he flashes me a bright smile. "One day." He sighs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Never happening."

"Never say never Vee."

"Did you just quote Justin Bieber?"

"So what if I did?"

"You're really odd. Remember when you were a dick to me?" He freezes solid.

"I'd rather not."


After that we spend a while watching Brooklyn 99 until we hear Imara storm into the house.

The first sign that something is wrong is that we hear her come in and not just see her.

"Matteo!" She screams, "I am going to kill your father and bury his body under a dogs carcass so that he's never found again."

Oh lord.

We share a glance and he gets up to lock the door. I smile at him as he turns around and he places his finger on his lips, "Shh, if we're quiet she won't know we're here."

As he walks closer I can't help but stare into his green eyes, with a ghost of a smile on my lips thinking about how happy he makes me.


The air is thick with tension.

I look at Matteo who looks like he's trying not to laugh, then to Imara who looks on the verge of murder and then to Lorenzo who looks like he's about to get murdered by his wife and he doesn't care.

They found us.

We weren't very good at keeping quiet.

"Valentina," I lift my head to look at the seething woman, "could you tell my husband that he has three seconds to run before I beat his ass."

I press my lips together and watch as Enzo rolls his eyes, standing from the table and walking out of the room. At least he listened. Imara takes a shaky breath and follows after him. He should be fine, Matteo took all of the weapons off of her earlier.

Approximately three seconds later a blood curling scream echos through the house and Matteo slams his head down onto the table muttering 'every goddam year'.

I turn to Matteo when I hear the front door slam and then open and then slam again, "You know we should do?"



The most puzzled expression I've ever seen appears on his face. "Yoga?"

"Mhm. It's very relaxing, we should try it."



"Never going to happen ever."

"Never say never Matteo, isn't that what you said earlier?"

"Fuck off."

"Come on, for me Matty."

"I think I genuinely hate you."

"No you don't." I grab his wrist and drag him up from his seat.

"I think I remember Mara saying something about a yoga studio here somewhere." I mutter, trying to remember where she said it was as I drag him along behind me.

"Found it." Matteo stills behind me and I smile back at him.

Pushing open the door, I'm met with a massive light and airy room, with high ceilings and yoga mats tucked away in the corner. There are wall to wall windows on one side, giving a gorgeous view and mirrors on the other. One of the biggest flat screens I've ever seen hangs on the wall with a small table beneath it, that has candles and shit on it. The room is warm, the sunlight seeping through the windows while they keep the cold out.

"Put the mats out. I'll get a beginners video for us to follow." I order, letting go of his wrist and pointing towards the rolled up mats in the corner, he grumbles but follows what I say anyway.

I walk up to the flat screen and find a remote hanging on the wall next to it. Somehow I figure out how to get up YouTube and find a decent looking beginners yoga for us to do.

Turning back around, I find him sat on one of the mats glaring at me. I send him a pointed look and sit on the grey mat beside him and start the video.

We follow the lady's words and he actually does it better than me even though I'll never admit that to him.

As I push myself up into a down dog, I feel Matteo's hand yank my leg. I fight it for a moment but the next thing I know I'm crashing onto his mat.

"Thanks for that." I wheeze out and his face suddenly appears above mine.

"No problem love." Dipping his head, Matteo gives me a chaste kiss to the lips and when he pulls back I sigh.

Yeah I definitely think this whole 'just friends' thing flew right out the window a while ago.

And I'm not mad about it.




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