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I spend at least fifteen minutes trying to figure out how to turn the fucking shower on and then once I do that, I have to try and figure out how to make it hot. Needless to say I've been in here a while.

Stepping out of my hot shower- yes everyone I did figure it out in the end- I wrap a small towel around my body. Unfortunately for me, they don't have any bigger towels, so I'm stuck with one that just about covers all of the things it needs to.

I unlock the door and grab the handle to push it open but just as I'm doing that someone pulls the door from the other side. The door opens very quickly and I stumble forward crashing into the person slightly. My hand flies straight from the door to a chest while a pair of hands land on my waist, both things stopping me from full on crashing into them.

Letting my eyes wander at their own pace, I realise very quickly who it is.


I look up at his face, his green eyes are staring back into mine and his jaw is clenched tight, his jawline becoming sharp.

"Cazzo." He mutters under his breath before releasing my waist and stepping back. I retract my hand as he does so and pause when he raises his head and averts his eyes away from my barely covered body; his adam's apple becoming prominent as he swallows thickly.

Without wasting another second I turn around and I walk back to my bedroom, feeling his heated gaze scan my body until I'm in my room with the door shut.

Picking out some grey joggers and a black over sized sweatshirt, I twist my hair up into a claw clip ponytail, pulling out a few pieces in the front to frame my face before organising my new room.

By the time I'm finished unpacking I can tell it's pretty late and when smell of cooking invades my senses I can't help but follow it. I pass a shit ton of different doors and go down a trillion stairs before I find the source.

Their kitchen is to die for. There a big island in the middle of it, with some barstools on the one side and on the other are draws. There's like a good 3 ovens and 1 microwave. Every pan known to man is currently placed on the hob cooking away. Mara spots me in the doorway and waves me into the room.

"Enzo." She snaps and her husband lifts his head from his phone to look at her in a split second. "I want you to meet Valentina." Ushering me over to her side of the island opposite her husband who watches my every move with an intruiged expression.

"Your eyes." Lorenzo Marchetti's deep voice flutters through the kitchen as he places his phone on the table. "They real?" His Italian accent is just as strong as the rest of his family members and my guess is that they travel back a lot.

"Yes they are." I nod, giving him a small smile before placing my hands on the counter to steady myself from his scrutinising gaze.

There's no doubt that he's a very intimidating man, even sitting down it's obvious that he's tall, maybe not as big as his sons but tall enough to tower over me I'm sure. Styled salt and pepper hair sits perfectly on his head, thick manicured eyebrows that his family must have inherited, along with a neatly trimmed beard, I can definitely tell where his sons got their looks from.

In simple, the man oozes authority something his eldest seems to replicate very well; it's obvious that he learnt from the best.

"Your parents, Italian?" My bottom lip rolls into my mouth and my teeth sink in at his question. I don't even know who my parents are, let alone where they come from.

Luckily Mara swipes in quickly, saving me from having to answer the questions by chucking something in Italian at him.

"Enzo! Non sa chi siano i suoi genitori, è un'orfana. Te l'ho detto mezz'ora fa, madre di Dio, devi ascoltarmi più spesso altrimenti turbi seriamente qualcuno." (Enzo! She doesn't know who her parents are, she's an orphan. I told you this half an hour ago, mother of God, you need to listen to me more often otherwise you're going to seriously upset someone.)

"Mi dispiace tesoro, devo averlo dimenticato." (I'm sorry darling, I must have forgotten) The man mumbles back and the assassin shoots him a look before bouncing something back in their mother tongue.

"Non dirmelo, dillo a lei!" (Don't tell me, tell her!)

"I'm sorry Valentina, it's none of my concern where you're from." One of the scariest men I have ever encountered in my entire life mumbles in my direction, wincing slightly at the sight of his wife scowling at him from beside me.

"It's fine, you're good." Shaking my head politely at the couple. Mara checks her watch and then brushes her hand against mine softly, attracting my attention and her husband turns back to his phone, muttering something about candy crush.

"Do you mind going to knock on Matteo's door for dinner?" It's not like I can say no, no matter how much I don't want to.

Walking up the various sets of stairs, it's a miracle I don't get lost on my way to his room. I take a breath once I reach his closed door, not really having the energy to deal with him but not having much of a choice.

Knocking softly on the door, I step back and wait a few moments for him to open it from the other side. A couple seconds later and the door is pulled open, revealing a confused looking Matteo.

Before he can say a word I interrupt him. "Your mother wanted me to let you know that food's ready." He looks down at me, his green eyes searching my face. Matteo's still in the same outfit as earlier only, a few more buttons at the top are undone, showing his collarbones and the top of his tanned chest.

"Thank you, amore." That damn word again slips from his mouth so casually as if he's not even thinking about it and I roll my eyes. Shutting the door behind him, he begins walking down the hallway and I follow after him.


"It really was delicious Imara, do you need any help cleaning up?" I questions as I raise from my seat, clutching my empty plate in hand.

When I was growing up in the home, it was always my job to do the dishes after every meal. I actually used to enjoy it since it was my only alone time that I ever got unless it was going to the library when I got older.

"Don't worry dear, Enzo's already doing it tonight. Aren't you dear?" She glances at her husband, who quickly raises out of his seat and begins tidying up.

"Yes tesoro." He places a kiss on her forehead as he passes and I find myself awing at their relationship. It's something I'm not used to seeing at all, the only forms of intimacy that I've ever known have always been sexual or abusive in some form.

I'm not quite sure if I understand this way yet.

Imara excuses herself and so does Matteo, who sat silently beside me the whole time and soon enough it's just me and Lorenzo left in the kitchen.

"Valentina, just so you know I won't hold anything you've done in your past agaisnt you, but if it happens again I won't be so kind." Theres a blatant threat in his words and I choose to ignore it and let it go over my head

Ignorance is bliss right?

Especially when living with a fucking mafia boss and his family.



enzo is in fact a dilf

stay safe and drink lots of water


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