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I was jealous.

When I walked into that kitchen to find some random girl attacking him I thought, what the fuck did he do now? And then I thought, who's that girl? That then turned into why is she touching him?

I know, I have it bad.

Just because I've kissed him like a couple times I do not have the right to feel jealous. That doesn't mean that I didn't though.

When he said best friend I thought, oh okay fine they're just friends. And then I thought, but we're just friends and we make out, does he make out with all of his friends that are girls? I continued to spiral until the word 'gay' reached my ears and I practically melted into the ground.

Obviously he can have straight friends that are women that's fine but it's comforting to know that there's never going to be a girl-best-friend situation like the ones I've read about.

I'm getting way to ahead of myself, there would never be a girl-best-friend situation because we are not together. Just friends that kiss occasionally.

Damn, we still have to talk about that.

Talking is scary though. The thought of talking about my feelings for someone makes me want to throw myself off of a bridge.

"So, what's up with you and Matteo?" Luna questions with a thick Italian accent and I bite my lip. What is up with me and Matteo?

"Oh well I kind of live with him." I say awkwardly, I haven't really talked to a lot of people sober other than the people I sold too that is.

Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Are you too dating?" We enter a small café that's pretty quiet and my eyes widen.

"Oh, no no no no. It's complicated." It's a weak answer I know. I'm not good at this.

Our conversation comes to a halt while we order and turns out, we have the exact same coffee order. Taking a seat in the corner of the shop, we sit opposite each other and I take a second to study her.

Luan's covered in tattoo's, just like Matteo and has very dark black hair similar to my own, except hers is much much longer. She has light skin that stands out agaisnt her hair, brown eyes and a beauty spot under one of her eyes. She doesn't look twenty-eight, she looks way younger.

"I can handle complicated. Let's start easy, how did you meet each other?"

Not easy. Not easy at all.

I clear my throat. "He uh kidnapped me."

Luna sighs heavily at my response. "Of course he did. Why did he kidnap you?"

"I may or may not have been stealing some shipments for the past two years and selling them myself."

"That was you? I knew I liked you for a reason. He was so mad." She winks and I laugh softly, sipping my coffee.

"Wait, how are you still alive?" Double taking, her eyes widen.

"Actually, that's a funny one. I met Imara when I was younger, she saved me one night and we spent the day together. When I untied myself and left the room they had me in I ended up running into her. She recognised me and saved my ass. Only on the conditions that I'd work for them and live in their house so they could keep an eye one me. Then she left to come back here and I was left with him."

"Wow okay. I'm guessing Matteo didn't take that very well."

"Hated my guts." I smile, good times.

"What changed? He obviously doesn't hate you anymore." Luna leans forward on her elbows eagerly, she really wants to know.

"I'm actually not sure what changed. We went out drinking one night and this guy tried to take advantage of me, I freaked out and the next thing I knew he was laying down beside me in my bed. He stayed there all night, I don't think he slept more than a few hours."

"After that he was always around me, if it wasn't him it was Cairo or Enrico. It was like he was scared to leave me alone." I leave out the fact that he had a good reason to not want me alone, I only just met this girl and I do not want to freak her out with the worst parts of me.

"You're telling me, that he willingly spent time around another human being." She says dumbfounded.

"Yeah?" Whenever we're around each other, it never feels like he doesn't want to be there. I know that if he didn't want to be around me, he wouldn't. He may confuse me sometimes but that's one thing that's simple about him.

She hums thoughtfully and I frown.


"Nothing, it's just that he never spends time with people by choice, not often anyway. Whenever I want to go out with him I have to drag him out by his ear."

I smile at the thought but deep down I'm confused. Why does he act so different around me? Most of the time, he's the one who takes us places, being the only one out of the two of us that can drive and I never have to do anything more than ask.

The next hour is filled with embarrassing stories about Matteo and a shit ton of laughing. Luna and I click so easily together and I think it may have something to do with the familiar feeling she gives me.

"Have you ever been to New York." We're walking back to her car and it's dark. Damn, how long were we in there for?

"Once or twice but I don't really like leaving Italy. Why'd you ask?"

"I don't know, you just seem really familiar. I'm probably just tired though, it's been a long day."

The drive back is filled with us both singing at the top of our lungs to all of Taylor Swifts songs. I wish I met her earlier in my life, I could've used a friend back then, then again I need a friend now. A girl friend by the way, right now all my friends are men and they are not the smartest people.

I'm still stuck on why she looks so familiar, I feel like I've met her before. Like I've seen her smile and heard her laugh. I know her face and I recognise her voice but I don't know how and it's freaking me out.

Stumbling into the house drunk on laughter, we freeze when we find a kitchen full of people all staring towards us. We try our best to stop the laughter but one look at the other makes us burst out again.

"Shh." Luna giggles into my ear and I bite my lip as we run up the stairs. It's only when she trips over a step and falls flat onto them that I let at a howl of laughter burying my face in my hands.

I spot Matteo at the bottom of the staircase, staring at Lunas body that's unmoving on the stairs and my red face. I wipe my eyes and he shakes his head, walking back into the kitchen.

"Get up." I kick her and she stands pouting at me .

We continue up the stairs and I take a moment to breathe. So far, Italy's not that bad. 


i thought that valentina needed a female friend cause men can be stupid and i just realised that i gave matteo two gay best friends. 


vote if u want ig


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