Chapter 2: Broken Promise

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Taehyung's POV

It's been two days since I found the cameras. I find it really funny because I always talk to whoever is on the other end. I guess that is actually really depressing because of how lonely I am.

As I get out of bed, I wave at the camera watching me from behind my bedroom mirror. Last night I was curious if they were still watching me, so I told them that I want steamed pork wontons for breakfast. It's random, but I am curious to see if I get a yummy breakfast.

I understand that a normal person would call the police after finding out that someone has been watching them, but I am too curious and lonely. I also did not remove the camera in the bathroom or cover it. I figured they've already seen me naked before. Why cover it?

I have literally changed nothing in my routine except for talking to the person on the other side of the camera. I still walk around naked and jerk off in the shower or before bed. I am pretty sure they are used to who I am by now. 

As I get ready to shower, I hear the doorbell ring. I walk slowly to the door because I know that if it is the person watching me, they do not want me to know who they are. When I open the door, I slowly look around the hall to find no one is there. I look down and to my happiness, there is a bag with a note.

"I hope you enjoy the wontons. Make sure to drink enough water today."

I smile as I read the note.

"Thank you!" I yell down the hallway just in case they are still there somewhere.

Once I am inside, I sit down and enjoy my breakfast. I am beyond happy to see that they are from my favorite stall I buy wontons from. The whole time I eat, I hum in pure happiness. I haven't had these in while because I haven't been to that side of Seoul since I moved to this apartment a year ago.

Wait ... a year ago? Have they been watching me for a whole year? Or more than a year? Why in the world would anyone watch me? Could it be him? No, that bastard wouldn't be taking care of me.

"Thank you so much for the wontons! They were beyond yummy!" I smile at the camera and then go to get ready for the day.

Once I am ready, I grab my stuff and leave for the hospital. I have a bypass scheduled for today, so today is going to be a long and tiring day.

"You ready for the surgery?" Namjoon hyung asks when I walk into our section of the hospital.

"Yep! I rested well and had a delicious breakfast." I answer happily.

"You ate breakfast? Since when did you start eating breakfast? And since when have you been this happy? Was dating really that bad?" Namjoon hyung asks so many questions at once.

"Dating wasn't that bad. A few things have happened the past couple of days that make me a little happier." I explain as I go over the file of my patient awaiting the surgery.

"It must be something huge because you are never happy." Namjoon hyung points out quite sarcastically.

"I'm a happy person." I retort.

"Keep telling yourself that." Namjoon hyung snorts and walks off.

I feel like smacking that smug smile off of his ridiculously handsome face. He can be such a butt sometimes. I swear.

"Ok, Mr. Lee, are you ready for your surgery? Do you have any last minute questions?" I ask my patient as I walk into his room.

"I don't have any questions, but I am really nervous." He answers while nervously picking at his blanket.

"Don't worry, you will sleep throughout the whole procedure. I will have the nurses prep you. Then, I will see you in the OR." I pat his back then walk out of the room to scrub down and gown up for the surgery.

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