Chapter 25: We Will Get Through It

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Hoseok's POV

Five days have passed since we lost Jungkook. Taehyung and I have stayed in our rooms as we mourn losing Jungkook. Jin has been coming everyday to make sure that we eat. He's been an absolute angel.

As I lie in bed, I hear the doorbell ring. Before I can get up, I hear Taehyung leave his room. After a few minutes, I hear Taehyung moving things around and opening the balcony door. Curiosity is eating me up, so I quietly leave my room and see what he is up to.

When I look at the balcony, I see him setting up a canvas and paint. This startles me because he hasn't painted ever since his mother died.

"Tae? What are you doing?" I ask when I walk onto the balcony.

"Painting." He smiles and dips his brush into the paint.

"Can I watch?" I ask as I watch his first stroke.

"Of course." He smiles and continues painting.

For the next several hours, I watch him paint. The weather is perfect for watching someone paint. I watch as his brows furrow when he concentrates and he sticks the tip of his tongue out. He's rather adorable.

"Tae? Hobi? What are you two up to?" Jin asks as he walks into the apartment.

"Taehyung is painting, and I'm watching him." I answer and look at him.

"Oh. I didn't know that he paints." Jin smiles and walks over to us.

We both watch as a body begins to take shape. I know who he's painting. Who else would he paint with this much concentration? As the day continues, Jin and I watch as Jungkook comes to life on Taehyung's canvas. 

Those beautiful, innocent eyes come to life as Taehyung's tears trickle down his face. That stunning smile lights up the canvas as Taehyung smiles through his tears. The man Taehyung loves is alive in his heart and memories.

"Will you teach me how to paint?" I ask as I look at my little Jungkookie smiling on Taehyung's canvas.

"Of course." Taehyung smiles and looks at me.

Photos are one thing, but being able to make the person you love come to life as you paint them is something else. You get to put all of your emotions and memories into it.

"Are you two hungry?" Jin asks when he walks back onto the balcony after cooking dinner for us.

"Sure. Do you want to see if the others want to come for dinner?" Taehyung asks as he smiles at the painting of his Love.

"Ooo that would be nice." I smile and agree with Taehyung.

There is a way to keep Jungkook alive. His body is gone, but we still have him. We have our memories and emotions. Because we love him and he loved us, he is still with us. We may have lost a future with him, but we can carry him with us wherever we go.

"Ok, I'll call them." Jin smiles then walks off.

"What do you want to paint first?" Taehyung asks me as I watch him paint daffodils in the distance behind Jungkook.

"Daffodils. He loved them." I smile and admire the yellow decorating the canvas.

"Ok, I'll show you, but remember, you can paint them however you want to. I'll just show you the technique. This is your art, so you put your emotions and style into it." Taehyung explains as he prepares a canvas for me.

"Thank you. Thank you for bringing him back to me." I cry as I hug Taehyung.

"He's always with us." Taehyung cries as he wipes my tears.

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