🩸Chapter 19: The Birth of V

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So, this chapter is pretty brutal. The brutality shows what V meant when he told Jungkook that Taehyung would go too far, so Taehyung asked him to take care of the guard. This chapter shows why Taehyung made V. I marked the most brutal parts with 🩸

Author's POV

When Taehyung recovered from being thrown onto the cold, concrete floor, he looked around the small room in horror as he saw the walls were covered in old blood and claw marks. Someone else had been chained up in this room before him. Taehyung looked at the chain around his ankle and winced as he leaned over to examine it.

After a few hours of captivity, Taehyung watched the sun begin to rise. The sunrise used to be so beautiful and colorful, but the world without his mother was colorless and cold. A silent tear trickled down his face as he remembered his mother's last moments. His entire world was destroyed in that one moment. If only I had gone home sooner! I'm going to kill him! I will live until I kill him! Eomma died protecting me. 

When Taehyung heard the door opening, he stood up and faced his kidnapper. Taehyung didn't cower in fear, instead he stared the first monster down.

"Still playing tough? You're definitely a good replacement." The monster chuckled when he saw the determined glare in Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung didn't answer or flinch as the man walked closer to him.

"You see, the last two boys withstood the pain for nine years. I wonder how long you'll last." The monster sneered then struck Taehyung across the face.

Taehyung's mind filled with a ringing sound, but he never flinched. He stood his ground and continued to stare the monster down.

"You just might last longer than the other two." The monster chuckled then sent Taehyung flying across the small room into the wall.

When Taehyung's head hit the wall, everything went black. He wanted to stay strong, but the pain was excruciating. As the weakened boy opened his eyes, he realized the sun had already set again.

He slowly sat up and held his head as a deafening ringing sound resonated in his head. He gently touched the back of his head and felt a sticky liquid. Taehyung allowed his silent tears to trickle down his face, but he never made a sound. He would live through this until he got his revenge.

The next several days became a blur for the young boy as his was beaten until he was unconscious then beaten again when he woke up. After several days, he was dragged out of his cell and brought into a large office. Taehyung slowly looked around and took in his surroundings.

"So, you still won't tell me your name?" The monster asked Taehyung when he saw him.

Taehyung's silent stare had come to agitate the man who was used to getting his way. No one had ever defied him for this long.

"Why would I tell a monster like you?" Taehyung sneered as he saw the agitation flash in the monster's eyes.

"What did you just say?" The monster snarled as he angrily stood up.

"Fuck you." Taehyung had learned how to curse in school and from tv, but he never used it because it would upset his gentle mother.

"You little shit!" The monster growled and sent Taehyung flying across the room again.

I have to live, but I refuse to give in. Taehyung thought as he began coughing up blood.

Taehyung weakly watched as the monster stormed over to him and began beating him.

"Sir, I found her files." A smaller man told the monster when he walked into the room and interrupted the beating.

"Give it to me." He snarled and snatched the file away from the smaller man.

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