Chapter 17: The Prey

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Jungkook's POV

"Fine. Hoseok and I will go and get the guard while you and Taehyung go on to the warehouse." Yoongi hyung sighs and gets in Hoseok hyung's car.

When I get in the car with Taehyung, I look at him to make sure he is completely sure about this. He looks at me and nods. I was half expecting it to be V looking at me, but it's still Taehyung.

"Ok, Love. Let's go." I smile and hold Taehyung's hand.

As I drive us to Hoseok hyung's land, Taehyung looks out of the window and takes in the scenery. When we arrive, Taehyung takes a deep breath then gets out of the car. We walk to the warehouse hand-in-hand. When we walk into the warehouse, Taehyung curiously looks around. I am beyond grateful that we always clean up afterwards; otherwise, Taehyung would probably vomit and faint.

While we wait, I sit in a chair with Taehyung in my lap. After a couple of hours, we hear Hoseok pull up then we hear noises of someone struggling. When they drag the guard into the warehouse, I instantly cover Taehyung's ears because the man starts screaming when he sees us. I know that his begs will affect Taehyung.

"Stop touching me." V hisses and smacks my hands away.

"Oh hey." I chuckle as those angry eyes glare at me.

"Taehyung thought he was going to end up murdering the guard who let Ahn go, so he asked me to take care of it since I have more self control." V huffs and stands up.

"Tae, are you ok?" Yoongi hyung asks when he notices Tae's demeanor change.

"I'm fine. Just pissed." V quietly growls.

Yoongi hyung just looks at V in surprise not knowing what to do with this information. 

"Don't worry about him. He's triggered." I tell Yoongi hyung as we walk to the struggling man.

"So, you're the trash that let that man go. Huh?!" V snarls and slams his foot into the guard's chest then sends him flying across the room.

I'm not really surprised, but Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung gasp in surprise by the tone of voice and strength. I chuckle as I watch V land blow after blow on the terrified man's abdomen.

"Stop it." I mumble and pull V off.

"Why?" V asks and looks back at his prey.

"Because we have to question him before you kill him. And, do you really think that Taehyung acts like this?" I whisper the last part as I point to the surprised hyungs in the back.

"For fuck's sake." V huffs then takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"Better?" I ask him before letting go of his arm.


"Are you ok, Tae?" Yoongi hyung asks him when V walks over to them.

"Yeah, I just uh saw red." V tries to explain like Taehyung would.

Yoongi hyung doesn't seem too convinced, but he lets it go. As I drag the limp man back to the chair to tie him up, Hoseok hyung looks up his record.

"It doesn't look like he's a murderer or rapist, but he is a drug dealer and has been bribed several times before." Hoseok hyung informs us as he read the guard's file.

"Ok, I guess we won't kill him then." I sigh and look at the terrified man.

Before V can complain, I glare at him.

"Tell us what you know before we let this one loose again." Yoongi hyung threatens the shaking man while pointing to V.

"What do you want to know?" He asks while looking at us in fear.

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