Chapter Three

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Tammy shoved me all the way to the edge of the stage, causing heads to turn my way. I felt my face heat up as I stepped on stage.

I looked out at the crowd had to bite my lip to keep myself from gasping. Tammy wasn't lying; we had a full house. Our first full house! When I say full house, honestly, it's only about 30 people. It's the most we've ever had at one time though and this made my nerves jumpy. I made my way to the front of the stage where the microphone was and smiled out at the crowd.

"Hi, Guys, I'm Avery Tyler and I'll be singing for you guys tonight. Sadly, the rest of my band couldn't make it tonight so it'll just be me. Hope that's okay with you guys," I said, a nervous laugh slipping out.

Looking out at the audience, I saw a few people give me a smiles while other's stared into space or scrolled on their smart phones. I took a seat on the wooden stool and felt a wave of familiarity wash over me. This is where I always sit, twice a week, in front of a crowd, to do what I love.

Any nerves I had were long gone now and I the only thing I was feeling throughout my body was pure excitement.

"I've got a bunch of songs for you guys tonight and if you know the words, don't hesitate to sing or clap along," I said, stating what I usually say before I start a set with my band. I looked out at the audience to see Tammy in the back, giving me two thumbs up. I stifled back a laugh and smiled at her.

The bell on the door chimed and a group of three people walked in. From my angle, I couldn't see who walked in or out of the door, but once I saw Dan scrambling through the crowd to meet the group, I figured it was his special guest of the evening. 

Focus, Avery.

"This song is one of my family and I's favorites and I hope you enjoy. This is 'Can't Help Falling in Love' by Elvis Presley, " I said. I started strumming the opening chords and the words started to flow from my mouth.

I feel every emotion possible when sitting up here in front of a crowd. It's such a powerful thing to share something you love with an audience.

Song's can be interpreted any way they want. A sad song to someone can be a happy song to another. There's no limit on the amount of things you can connect to when listening to a song and I think that's one of the most beautiful things in the world.

So much time and dedication goes into song-writing. Sometimes you're pouring your heart out on the page while other times you're writing down what pissed you off during the day. What made you tick and want to scream or what made you happy and want to smile.

The possibilities with song-writing are endless, and the fact that someone might say that one of the song's I've written is one of their favorite's one day... It's what keep's me going and striving to be the best I can be.

I was too lost in my thoughts to even realize I had finished the first song until I started to hear clapping. I looked out at the audience and smiled, saying a quick 'thank you' into the microphone.

I let out a deep breath and focused on what song was next as I took off my guitar, putting it in the stand and moving the mic stand over to the piano. "Um, the next song I'll be singing is 'If I Ain't Got You' by Alicia Keys."

"Whoa, that's a big song," I heard someone whisper in the crowd.

Yeah, and I can nail it. I thought to myself.

I felt myself smile as I took a seat at the piano. My hands ached to start playing the beginning sequence.

As I started singing, I became less stiff and I felt like I had literally melted into each of the chords I was playing. As I got passed the first chorus, a rush of adrenaline went through me as I belted out the notes. I really don't mean to brag, but knowing that I can hit the notes that the incredible Alicia Keys can hit is a pretty incredible feeling.

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