Chapter Ten

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We were walking down the beach. The waves were just about to touch our feet. Wind blowing through my hair. I took a deep breath in. Taking in the smells around me. The scent of the sea tickled my nose. The sand underneath my feet was so soft and grainy. I remembered when I was little. I used to come down to the beach with my cousins, and play in the waves, go boogie boarding, eat ice cream, build sandcastles. I smiled thinking about all of the fun I used to have when I was little. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ross look at me and smile. He knew I saw him and I started to laugh. He stopped me and turned me to face him. 

“What are you thinking about?” He asked me

I started blushing. “I really gotta get my blushing under control!” I said to myself

I looked out at the ocean “Nothing. Just memories” 

“Tell me something” Ross said “What’s one of your favorite memories from the beach?” He asked me.

I thought for a minute “Probably sitting with my dad on a blanket, singing with my guitar.” I said. Ross smiled. I laughed as I thought about how I tried so hard to stay on key while my dad would play my favorite songs.

“Really? What was your favorite song to play” He asked me

His voice was so smooth. It wasn’t to deep, wasn’t too high. Just right in the middle. It flowed like milk I guess. 

“Your gonna think I’m weird, but ‘Do You Believe In Magic’ by Aly and Aj” I said blushing.

Ross chuckled and smiled “Yeah you sang that in the coffee shop” I nodded

“I don’t find you weird by the way. Your unique” He said “Come on, I have one more surprise for you” Ross took my hands and pulled them forward. He started to run still holding my hands. 

 I started laughing “Ross! Ross! I’m gonna fall!” I said tripping over the sand clumps.

Ross stopped running and I jerked forward into his chest. “OOF” I said slamming into his chest. He laughed. I started blushing. My hands were on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me, and hugged me tight.I felt so safe and warm when I was around him. He laughed, and I heard it in his chest. We stood there for a few minutes. I heard his heartbeat. It was comforting. Ross put his chin on my head. I smiled. He kissed the top of my head.

“I want to show you something” He said to me. I looked up. My neck arched and my chin on his chest. I looked at him with a confused look. He cocked his head to the right and I looked.

There was a blanket set up on the beach. Candles on the edges, and a guitar in a case. 

I gasped.Ross took my hand and led me over to the blanket. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. I took a seat. 

“I wrote a new song and I want you to be the first person to hear it” he said

I nodded as he took the guitar out of the case.

*ON HOLD* It All Started With A Dream- A Ross Shor Lynch FanficWhere stories live. Discover now