Chapter Thirty

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WHAT?! I HIT 1,000 READS?! GUYS THIS IS AMAZING! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY! IM FLABBERGASTED! I'm so sorry this is up a little late, I've been at a lot of photo shoots, and I reccently shot my first commercial the other day! (I'm an actressm singer, and model if you didn't know XD) Anywayyy, thank you sooo much for reading. I am still looking for a new cover so if anyone wants to make me one, please go ahead! 

Ross dropped me off and I ran inside to get ready. It was 7:30 and Ross was coming around 9:30 ish. I climbed the stairs and entered my bedroom, immediately opening my window for some fresh air. I took a deep breath in and walked over to my mirror. I jumped back not even recognizing myself for a second. I looked just like my sixth grade self again. The blotchy face, big red nose from so many tissues, bright red eyes, mascara stains down the sides of my cheeks, messy hair. How did I let Ross see me? I let out a sigh and reached for my makeup remover. My phone beeped. I unlocked the screen and opened my message app.


I can’t wait for tonight.

I started to get teary eyed. I had always wanted a text like that, and the fact I was getting it from the one I loved the most made my heart flutter. I responded back


Thank you baby, I love you too. Can’t wait for tonight:)


Remember, come in comfy clothes, you don’t need to look good for me. You’re already perfect ;). I’ll pick you up soon. Love you<3

I left him at that and started getting ready. I cleaned off my makeup from earlier, and hopped into the shower. The hot water felt amazing going down my body. Now all I needed was a good massage, and for Hilary to get run over by a bus. I can’t believe I stooped low again. I wasn’t going to let her win. I am going to get farther than her, and not by Ross. My band and I are going to become well known, and sell out arenas. I’ve always wanted to sell out huge concert stages, and preform on the news, and on radios live. It was all so far away. But hey, everything starts with a dream. Right? Tomorrow I was going to be shopping with Bridget, she might understand what I’ve been through. I can’t use celebrities for attention though. What if Hilary comes out and sees us walking around? Ugh I always psych myself out. Bad habit. 

I stepped out of the shower fifteen minutes later. I dried myself off put my hair up in a towel. I had to wear something comfy and casual. Hopefully we weren’t going out to a restaurant or a club or something. Why would he say to wear something comfy to a place like that? Stupid thought. I shook it out of my head and walked over to my closet. I decided on LuLu Lemon black yoga pants, a light pink tank top, and my PINK zip-up hoodie. For my hair, I didn’t even care. I threw it in a messy bun and slid a headband over my face. I didn’t even bother with makeup. Only put mascara on my bottom and top lashes. Water-proof of course, new know what’s coming tonight, and some Chapstick that tasted like vanilla icing. 

By 8:30 my mom still wasn’t home from work, so I decided to pass the time and make myself a pizza hot-pocket, grab an Arizona lemon tea, and sit on the couch and watch Disney Channel.   

Laura popped on screen “Hi I’m Laura Marano from ‘Austin and Ally’ and your watching Disney Channel!” I had always wanted to do that. Draw this little symbol in the corner and do something funky with the wand. As a kid, when I would get out of the shower and see the mirror all fogged up, I would practice and try to make the perfect one. Just in case it came in handy one day. I was such a weird kid.

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