Chapter 3

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Riley's POV:

Before leaving the studio at around six o'clock after A-Troupe had done hours and hours of dance to prepare them for Internationals in three weeks' time, James stayed behind with me to get my belongings and luggage from out of Kate's office where she had said I could leave it until going home. Kate left the keys with me, seeing as she had to leave early today for a family emergency, meaning James and I would have to lock up.

Grabbing my handbag from off of Kate's desk, James grabs my purple metallic suitcase from the side and wheels it out of the door. I take the key and lock the door of the office shut before then locking up the studios doors and as we make our way down the stairs, I leave the keys with the owner of Hidalgo's, Lucy, as Kate said I should.

"You sure you've got everything?" James asks, placing a light hand on my back. I smile and nod then he gestures for me to lead the way into the outdoors where it was already getting dark. 

Arm wrapped around my waist protectively, he leads me towards where he had parked his car in the parking lot and then he unlocks the vehicle with his keys and opens the door for me to get inside. Taking my luggage, he puts it inside the boot before making his way around the car and sitting in the driver's seat beside me. 

As he starts the car, I reach my hand forward and immediately start faffing about with the radio. James smirks at me, taking note of my usual behaviour when inside a car and when I seem to not remember how to control the radio stations, he places his hand on top of mine and assists me in changing it to a more enjoyable station.

"It's good to have you back, Riles," he whispers softly, laughing at me still. I roll my eyes and smile to myself, gazing out of my window. 

Truth is, I was glad to be back too but it was only a matter of time before my parents got back from their one-week business trip and realised I was missing. Then I'd probably have to leave James quicker than the time I've even had to spend with him. Yes, I told James they were fine with it but I wasn't about to tell him that they had no clue about me leaving. He'd only send me back there and I wouldn't possibly be able to handle that, no matter how much he tries to tell me it's what's best for me.

Quietly, I whisper, "It's good to be back here. With you." I wasn't sure if he heard me but he probably did since he strokes my knee, on top of my tight black jeans, subtly before placing his hand back on the steering wheel.

James's POV:

When we get back, I unlocked the front door to find Piper sat on the couch cuddled up beside Mom. Dad was probably already upstairs sleeping, considering he has to get up early tomorrow for a staff meeting and Imogen was sat at the table drawing a picture, probably for Mom, like usual. 

"Riley!" Mom gasps as soon as we come into view. Piper's eyes widen when she turns her head around to face us and then she immediately gets up and rushes over, throwing her arms around Ri and almost knocking her over. Riley giggles and hugs my sister back as Mom searches for the remote to lower the volume a little before also making her way over. "What are you doing back?" she asks and Ri smiles softly.

"I thought I'd come back for the holidays. I got the train here from Montreal and, I know it was unexpected, but I was wondering if I could spend some time here? I completely understand if it wouldn't be ideal. I could just ask Thalia or someone-"

"No, no. That's absolutely fine, honey," Mom cuts her off, making me smile, too. "Spend as much time here as you want. This is your home too."

"Thank you," Riley responds sweetly. Piper finally unravels her arms from around Ri and then she looks up at our mother expectantly.

"Can she sleep in mine and Imogen's room, Mom? Please?" she asks. Mom breathes in through her nose and then out through her mouth, looking between Riley and I. I think she was trying to work out whether Riley and I were even together and if we were, would we want to sleep in the same room. When I make eye-contact with Mom, I shake my head no to tell her we were taking it slow and then she nods.

"I'm sure Riley's old enough now to have her own room, Piper. She can take the guest room," Mom says and Riley smiles.

"Thank you, Deborah. I really appreciate it."

"No problem, lovely," she says, then I place my hand on Ri's back, making her look at me.

"Come on, I'll help you take your things to the room," I tell her. She smiles and I take a hold of the suitcase whilst she adjusts her handbag on her shoulder before I lead the way. Piper sulks and mumbles something about it being unfair how she doesn't get to share a room with Riley and it makes Ri chuckle while we're walking up the stairs.

"I have to admit . . . As much as I've missed you, I've missed Pipes a whole lot more," she says and I smirk.

"Trust me. I think she's missed you more than I have, too." 

As Riley gets settled in the bedroom and changes into more comfortable clothes, I sat in my own room on the bed with my phone in hand, texting Michelle to let her know Riley was staying with me for a while. She asked if we were together and I told her we weren't. After she replied to my message saying that I shouldn't give up hope, I left my room to go to Riley's. Knocking on the door, I heard movements and shuffles until I was met with her sweet voice as she answers, "Come in."

I open the door and smile at her when I find her sat on her bed with the flat screen TV already on. She was in one of my oversized hoodies and her own pair of shorts and her hair was thrown into a high messy bun. She sat with her back against the headrest, legs on top of the duvet covers and suitcase by the wall and as I entered the room, I closed the door behind me.

"You okay in here?" I ask, leaning against the wall with my arms folded across my chest. "I see you've already made yourself comfortable."

She chuckles lightly and smiles at me, fiddling with the rings on her fingers. When I looked, I noticed the one specific one I had given her on our anniversary four months ago was still on her second left finger, where her future wedding ring will be. I make my way over towards her and sit down on the edge of the bed, facing her.

"Even after all this time . . . you still haven't taken it off, hm?" I speak up. She looks up at me and then down to where my gaze was on her hands. When she looks up again, she bites her lip.

"I could never take it off," she whispers gently. I smile at that and before the silence in the room has the chance to make the atmosphere awkward, I speak up again.

"Mom, Immy and Pipes are going to church early tomorrow morning. Dad will be at a meeting so it'll be just you and me at home. My mom said she doesn't want to force me to go with her, especially when you've just come back."

"Okay, that's fine," she says and I smile.

"Dinner'll be ready downstairs in about half an hour. I'll be in my room if you need anything, okay," I tell her and as she nods, I lean forward to kiss the top of her head.

Getting up, I turn around, about to leave the room, but just as my hand relaxes on the door knob and I'm about to turn it to make my way out, I stop at the sound of her voice.

"James?" she says, making me turn around.


"Thank you," she says briefly, still playing with her silver ring. Still smiling, I nod once again and shrug.

"You're welcome, Riles," I reply before leaving, closing the door to her room shut behind me.

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