Chapter 24

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Riley's POV:

All of us were up in Studio A a month before Internationals. I was stood beside James and the guys while they spoke about a guys' night they were expecting to have this evening. I roll my eyes at Eldon when he claims that no girls were allowed, aiming his words in my direction but I chuckle nonetheless.

"Why not? Riley's chill, she won't mess things up," James counters, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me in closer to his body as he kisses my cheek.

Ever since our previous encounter with Nate, he had grown to be even more over-protective of me lately, but I could only be thankful. I guess he was going a little paranoid with the thought that Nate was going to hurt me.
The thing about Nate is that he's like a bully. He says he's going to do something and pounds you with all these threats but he never actually does anything unless he's antagonised by someone.

"No, but she'll make you go all soft and mopey and well, whipped," West responds, making me roll my eyes once again as James huffs.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not whipped."
"You are," Max speaks up, making me smirk. He hardly ever said anything, so for him to contribute and put that statement forward says a lot. Then Noah begins to pipe up equally as much.
"Riley's got you wrapped around her finger and you know it."

"You were so lost without her when she was in Montreal," Eldon teases. The mention of Montreal only makes my stomach churn, so I shake my head in dismissal, not wanting this to go any further.
Internationals was only a few weeks away. After that, I had no idea what I'd be doing. Whether I'll be staying here or going back to where my parents are. All I know is that I can't be a burden to Deborah for too long by moving into her home . . . That'd be too much to ask for.

"Okay, guys. That's enough. You've made your point, let's leave it at that," I tell them all before grabbing James's hand and leading him away from them.
Sometimes James wasn't stiff enough to benefit himself. Usually, he'd give the guys all the ammunition they needed to make fun of him and half the time he doesn't realise how dominant they become.
Sure, sometimes he acts like a tough guy but he can be sensitive at the best of times. Those are the times when I have to step in to stop them all from teasing him.

"Alright, everyone," Kate calls us over to the middle of the floor. "As you know, we've only got four more weeks before we'll be hopping onto the bus for Internationals and so I want to make sure all the routines are down to pat. I want to see Riley and Eldon's solo, the small group, the trio, the duet and the final two routines," she instructs, but just then, everyone's gaze falls on me, making me bite my lip.
"Riley, you're in almost all of the routines. I want to make sure you're okay with that, considering you only just got back into dance last month. It's not too much for you, is it?" she asks as James moves one of his hands to my shoulder. 

Shaking my head, I smile.
"I'm sure I'll be able to handle it," I state, but the looks on everyone else's faces read otherwise . . . the girls' in particular, making me look down, slightly confused.

"Okay, Riley and Eldon, I know you're still perfecting your dances so I'll see those later on, but for now I want to start with the duet," Kate tells us, looking towards both James and I. 
I look up at him and smile through the confusion on my face, nodding my head at the same time as he does before the team space out and give us space in the centre of the floor.

"That was good, you two. Well done," Kate praises us both. I smile, nodding my head but then I take a look around. Michelle looks down at the floor, chewing her lower lip while the other girls sort of look away from me, Stephanie rolling her eyes at the same time as Thalia shakes her head a little.
Had I done something wrong?

"Okay, let's have the trio next. Riley, Amanda and Michelle," Giselle says taking upon her role as dance captain. James leaves me, sending me a small reassuring smile but I could tell through the look on his face that he knew something wasn't right.
Almost all the girls were looking at me spitefully right now and I couldn't understand why.

Giselle and the two girls exchange a look with each other - one I couldn't interpret the meaning of, but I try my best to brush it off and ignore it.
I'm sure I could ask about it sometime after practice and one of them would fill me in on what was going on.

We finished and everyone else starts clapping, including Harry who was sat on the side-lines as he had only just joined the team and was currently an alternate along with Michelle.
Maybe I could understand why Michelle might have a problem with me because of the fact she's an alternate and I only just got back into dance, but last time I checked, things between us were fine and we were like sisters.

Whatever's going on, it's really beginning to get on my nerves.

"And finally, the small group," Kate says with the nod of her head. 

James looks at me then and makes his way over to me as we stand in our positions with Giselle, West and Max, waiting for Thalia to start the music while she sat by the stereo on the chair, her foot currently in a boot with her crutches in her hands.
I felt extremely bad for her, of course I did, she was one of my closest friends and she wouldn't get the opportunity to compete at Internationals.
But would that have something to do with the sudden enmity filling the gaps of the studio right now?

"Amazing, A-Troupe," Phoebe says, her voice filling the air as she exits the office she had been watching us all from to stand by her sister. "Riley, I'd like to work on choreo with you for your solo, and Eldon, Kate will be helping you as well."
"The rest of you can do whatever for the rest of the day. You're free to go," Kate finishes off.

Sighing, I turn around to face James as he looks at me, his eyebrows furrowed.
"You okay?" he asks me, placing his hands on each of my hips and looking down at my frame. As I look up at him, I nod my head, trying to forget all the thoughts travelling through my mind.

"I'm alright," I answer. "I'll meet you downstairs once I'm done with Phoebe, yeah?" I ask and he nods his head before reaching down to kiss me, making me smile for the time that it lasts. Then he breaks away from me and leaves as I head over to our choreographer who sends me a small smile.

Like always, I doubt she or Kate had any idea about what was currently going on within the team.

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