Chapter 11- I'm Not Alone?!

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Tommy POV

"Tommy I don't think we should be here..." Tubbo murmured again, looking anxiously around the old cabin. He was cursing under his breath, wishing the book didn't have a return address.

"This could be my chance Tubbo!" Tommy grinned, completely oblivious to how freaked out the boy was. 

"But what if it kills you or something? What if it's all just a trick to trap us here? What if-" Tubbo began, quickly being cut off by Tommy.

"Relax! We'll be fine." the blonde pushed the doubts aside, choosing to be oblivious to them.

Tommy began looking around, shocked by everything that surrounded him. Hundreds of glass jars filled the shelves, separated by old books. Small trinkets covered the table and desk, their use more mysterious than anything. 

"Look at all this-"

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN HERE?!" a voice made them both jump out of their skin.

Tubbo immediately hid behind Tommy, shouting, "Don't eat us please!"

The figure looked at them in confusion, slipping his watch back into his pocket. "Eat you? Why would I-"

"Calm down Tubs." Tommy whispered, grabbing Tubbo's hand for comfort. 

"Who are you?" the man demanded, glaring at both of the intruders.

Tommy looked back at the man, immediately noticing he had no wings. "I'm Tommy and that's Tubbo. I-"

"Is that my journal?" the man interrupted, staring at the book tucked under the blonde's arm. 

Tommy nodded, "Yes I was reading-"

"It's all pointless junk kid- erm Tommy. Wingless people who are born wingless don't exist." 

"You must be Karl?" Tommy assumed, squeezing Tubbo's hand for comfort. 

"Of course." Karl rolled his eyes. "I was the man far too obsessed to see the truth. I'm surprised this is the first you've heard of me." He shook his head, looking away with guilt. "If only-"

"I understand."

Karl turned to him, surprised by his sudden outburst. "What? How could you possibly understand?" he glared at the blonde, only then noticing his lack of wings.

"Well I'm wingless too." Tommy said, stating the obvious.

"But you've had wings-"

"No." Tommy cut him off. "I was born without them, just like you." 

"Not even a sprout?" Karl said, choosing his words carefully. Could he really be telling the truth?

The blonde shook his head confidently. "No."

"Not even the slightest back pain?" Karl continued, still eyeing him suspiously.


Karl bit his lip, still staring at him. "You must be lying."

"I'm not! I swear!" Tommy exclaimed, annoyed that the brunette didn't believe him.

"That same boy said the same thing and what did he do? He lied right to my face!" Karl snapped, turning on his heel and making his way across the room.

Tommy followed him, allowing Tubbo's hand to slip through his own. Confusion painted his face. "What other boy?"

Karl shook his head, allowing the subject to go. "Doesn't matter. He's gone now." He continued muttering, "I wasted so much research on him." He glanced back towards Tommy, a small hint of sympathy showing in his face. "And now you must understand. I cannot waste my research on yet another liar. I won't be fooled twice."

Tommy was growing desperate. This was his only chance. "What can I do to prove it to you sir?"

"Sir?" Karl snorted, amused by the title he once dreamed of. "Do not call me that I have not earned the respect for that title."

"Well what can I do then Karl? Obviously you won't believe from my word alone." 

Karl thought for a moment, processing the request. "Show me your back. If you speak the truth than it will be scar less, like mine."

"O-Okay." Tommy agreed, slowing removing his shirt. The moment his back felt the fresh air he shivered, feeling a rush of cold.

Karl carefully inspected his back, noting where the scars should be. After a moment his eyes widened as he realized Tommy wasn't lying. "You speak the truth!" he exclaimed. He paused, trying to process the information. "I-I am not alone... This is incredible! I thought... I was wrong! I'm not the only one!" 

The man jumped around, his excitement spreading like a disease. Tommy and Tubbo exchanged looks, not truly realizing how much this changed. Tommy pulled his shirt back on before staring at Karl in confusion

Karl stopped, locking eyes with Tommy.

"You're like me! You're like them!"


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