Chapter 15- You're Not Selfish

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Tommy POV

A few days had gone by since Ranboo's confession and everything seemed to change. Tommy found himself spending as much time as he could helping Ranboo. He still couldn't process that Ranboo had lost his wings.

Part of him didn't even want wings anymore... it wasn't right. He would rather Ranboo have someone to connect with. He stopped reading Karl's journals and stopped talking about wings. The first one to take notice of this sudden change was Ranboo.

"What happened to your obsession with wings?" Ranboo suddenly asked, looking up from his spot on the couch.

Tommy stopped, looking up from his phone. He shrugged, looking away. "Just grew out of it I guess."

Ranboo stared at him, shaking his head. "Tommy it's not selfish to want wings."

The blonde turned towards him, his eyes wide. "That's not-" he began.

"Tommy, you've been acting different since I told you about..." Ranboo swallowed, pausing, "Tommy, I can handle being the only one without wings. I've had them before, I've experienced how amazing they are. You've never even had the chance." The boy moved towards Tommy, biting his lip as a sharp pain went through his back. "I want you to have that chance."

Tommy looked away guiltily. "I-I don't need them Ranboo. If I get wings you won't have anyone like you. You'll feel alone."

Ranboo chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Tommy, I'll still have you. Unless you think you'll be too good for me?"

Tommy's eyes widened. "I-"

"I'm kidding Tommy." the boy sighed. "I want you to experience wings Tommy. You deserve it, just like everyone does."

Tommy bit his lip, searching the boy's face for any hint of dishonesty. "You don't think it's selfish?"

"No." Ranboo smiled. "You're not selfish."


Sorry this is really short, I'm really trying to finish this book.

Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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