Chapter 2- Just A Mistake

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Tommy POV

Tommy sighed, leaning back on his bed. His sigh seemed to echo as Tubbo sighed as well.

"You're not feeling any better, are you?" he asked softly, his brown wings ruffling up.

Tommy closed his eyes, unsure of how to answer. He could be honest, but he knew that would hurt Tubbo. And that was the last thing he ever wanted to do. So instead he answered with uncertainty. "I don't know Tubbo."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just dark Tubs... everyone is just so happy and I-I-" he paused, shaking his head. "No matter what I can do I can't feel it. It's just not there."

Tubbo nodded, even though he didn't really understand. He thought for a moment before jumping up. "Why don't we go on a walk? Maybe fresh air will help!"

"Tubs I don't think-"

"Please Tommy?" his brown eyes begged and Tommy immediately sighed, knowing he couldn't say no.


"Yes!" Tubbo grinned, grabbing his coat and tossing Tommy his. Tommy rolled his eyes, trying to hide the growing smile on his face.

The duo left the bedroom, walking towards the kitchen. Wilbur looked up in surprise, gasping at the sight of Tommy. He couldn't remember the last time the blonde had even left his room unless he had an appointment with Puffy.

Tommy looked down at his feet, suddenly wanting to disappear in his room again. But he couldn't, Tubbo wanted this. So he would do it for Tubbo.

Tubbo grinned at the older, grabbing Tommy's arm and guiding him to the door. They walked down the street in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence. It was something they had both missed lately. Just being around each other.

Tommy kicked a small pebble between his feet, trying to ignore the judgmental stares of the kids walking towards them.

"I wish I was normal." the blonde muttered. "I wish I had wings."

Tubbo grabbed his hand, giving him a smile. "Well I'm glad you're not. Because then I would have to be normal."

"You are normal Tubbo." 

"Says you." the brunette giggled. "I'm as weird as you Toms."


"Hey freak! What are you doing here?!" a voice made them both snap up.

A group of bullies stood above them, giggling like the immature idiots they were. 

Immediately Tommy shrunk down, not really wanting to cause trouble. He just wanted them to leave them alone. They did this nearly every time he left his house. Which is probably why he hid in his room so much.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Tubbo shouted, trying to seem so much bigger than he actually was. Unfortunately no matter how tall he tried to be, they still towered over him.

"Why do you care how I talk to him?" the boy grinned, cracking his knuckles.

Tubbo shifted uncomfortably but stood his ground. "Because he has no control over having wings or not! Besides it doesn't change the fact that he's an amazing person!" 

"Oh is that what you tell him to keep him from killing himself?" he laughed, causing the rest of them to laugh as well. "The depressed freak is a mistake and even he knows it!"

Tommy felt the tears begin to form in his eyes, but he continued staring at the ground. They were right and he knew it. It was just so much harder hearing it aloud.

"Is there a problem here?" a new voice growled.

Tommy slowly looked up, his eyes widening at the sight of Dream.

"I-" The bully was immediately a stuttering mess.

Dream grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the ground. "You mess with my little brother or his friend and I will rip you to shreds. It won't be just me either." 

Did he really mean that?

The boy's eyes widened in fear, scrambling to his feet as soon as he was dropped to the ground. Dream watched him for a moment before turning to the boys. 

"You alright?"

"Yeah thanks Dream." Tubbo smiled brightly, hugging his brother.

"Anytime little bro." the blonde chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You okay Toms?"

Tommy immediately nodded. "I'm fine."

"I can tell Techno and Wilbur-"

"No." he sternly shook his head. "I don't want to be more of a bother than I already am."

"Tommy-" Tubbo began.

"I'm going to head home Tubs, see you later." Tommy cut him off, turning on his heel and moving back towards his house.

The bully's words continued to echo in his head, making his heart sink even more.

Was he right?


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Hope you have an amazing day!


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