Chapter 17- It's Gone Too Far

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Tommy POV

"Do you think he'll be okay?"

"He should be."

"I'm going to kill him."

"Family and friends of Tommy?"

Silence filled the air, aside from the clear beeping that came from Tommy's side. What was that? Where was he? Tommy slowly opened his eyes, instantly closing them again at the blinding light. Holding his hand up, he blocked the light before trying again.

He was in a hospital room that much was clear. White walls and a tile floor. A pain went through his arm, his eyes widened at the sight of an IV. He bit his lip, knowing it was probably supposed to be there.

He leaned forward, checking his back. He sighed, blinking away a few tears. Tubbo was right.

"Tommy!" the blonde looked up to see Tubbo.

"Oh my God I thought you were dead!" the brunette exclaimed, pulling the blonde into a hug carefully. "You are so stupid, you know that right?"

Tommy sighed, pulling back. He gripped the sheets, looking away. He was guilty of it, he knew it.

Tubbo sat beside him, tears in his eyes. "Do you believe me now?"

The blonde couldn't stop the tears from falling. "B-Believe you?"

"This has gone too far! Running into burning buildings just to get wings? Are wings worth risking your life?" the brunette shook his head, wiping the tears from his eyes. "You are so much more than you think, wings or not. You're still Tommy. You're still my best friend." He bit his lip, trying to keep himself from crying more. "I-I can't lose you Tommy. I can't."

Tommy took a deep breath, giving in. He was going to far. He was hurting Tubbo, the boy he had sworn to protect all these years. "You won't lose me Tubs. I-I won't do anything like this again. I'm so sorry." he whispered, hanging his head in shame. He wrapped his arms around the boy, holding him close.

They sat like that for a moment before footsteps entered the room. 

"Thank God you're alright." Wilbur exclaimed, rushing over to the younger. "What were you thinking?" he demanded.

"He obviously wasn't." Techno said, strolling in beside Phil.

"You're lucky you didn't get hurt worse. Just burns, no broken bones." Phil spoke. "You'll have to take it easy for a while."

Wilbur took the blonde into his arms, holding him close. Tommy couldn't help but cling to him. He really was never going to get wings. And that hurt so much.

"I'm sorry... I just thought-"

"You thought you could get wings." Techno finished. Tommy looked up at him in surprise. How did he know? "Did you not think I would find Jacob's Journal? It's not like you hid it. You literally left it open on your desk."

"Jacob- as in Karl Jacobs?" Phil exclaimed, his eyes wide. "Don't tell me you believe that man's madness?"


"Tommy, have you not been listening to Puffy?" the blonde asked gently. Tommy bit his lip, looking away. He hadn't been. Quite literally he had done the opposite of what she said. He tried to change himself. The man sighed, nodding. "I suppose more appointments will help."

"What about the girl?" Tommy suddenly asked.

"The girl?" Wilbur asked, looking down at him.

"She's dead." Tubbo said, looking down. "She didn't make it out of the collapse."

Tommy sobbed into Wilbur's chest, gripping onto his sweater. "I-I didn't save her." he whimpered.

"There was nothing you could do." Wilbur whispered, gently stroking the blonde's hair. 

Why couldn't he do more?


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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