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4 weeks, one month, 31 days, 744 hours, 44640 minutes, 2678400 seconds.

Our baby was due in 4 weeks, I had four bloody weeks to get ready for a baby. "Lyl ?" I asked, Lyl was currently spread across my bed with me watching re-runs of dexter, eating ice-cream with me, Deja vu hit hard. "Yeaaah ?" She muted the tv. "I may have four weeks to live." It hit me hard. Lyl's face drained of all cover and she froze like a statue. "Sorry." I mumbled.

Lyl walked out of the room in complete silence, no goodbye or anything. I felt the baby kicked and smiled. "They're going to love you, I promise." I smiled down at my stomach.

Later that night Chris got home from an afternoon with the boys that went a little over time. "You okay ?" Chris asked tilting his head. I nodded silently. I sipped my warm tea. Chris kissed the top of my head. "I love you..." He said continuing running his fingers up and down my arm. "I love you too." I mummbled out, distracted. "What's wrong ?" He used his free hand to turn my face to look up at his.

"I just... you are sure about this right ?" I chewed at my bottom lip - nervous habit I've randomly picked up.
"What do you mean ?" Chris' brow creased and he sat down next to me, taking the tea out of my hands so he could hold them. "God, your hands are warm." He smiled slightly, getting off track. "Don't worry, just a re-think everything kinda day..." I sighed unintentionally. "I want this baby, maybe not as much as you but it makes you happy and will continue to make you happy, I love happy Blaze." Chris squeezed my hands before kissing me on the cheek and leaving the room. I grabbed my tea and continued thinking. "You'll burn a whole in the carpet if you keep staring !" Chris yelled from the kitchen, knowing me all too well. I snapped out of my trance and dragged my feet along to a unpacked box in the living room, full of my DVDs of course. I started packing them away, alphabetically to fit with all the rest of course. "You shouldn't be up on your feet !" Ricky scolded me, walking down the stairs. "Chris why aren't you looking after your Fiancée better !" Ricky yelled. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face if I had tried ! Ricky looked down at me quizzically. "What are you so smiley about !?" He raised an eyebrow. "You called me his fiancée !" I giggled. Ricky rolled my his eyes at me. "Well yeah that's what you are to him, just like he is your's." Ricky shrugged it off. "So Blaze, what are you doing tomorrow ?" Chris asked as he walked in and joined me on the lounge with two plates in hand; each with a sandwich on them. He handed Ricky one. "Nothing like always." I laughed. "Always too tired tsk tsk tsk !" Ricky mocked me. "Oh shut up ! You try holding a living, growing baby in you for 8 months !" I growled. "I was joking Blaze !" He kissed my cheek. Chris sighed, trying to get the attention back to him. "Why do you ask ?" I questioned. "We all wanted to go out, everyone." Chris smiled. "Soon we're going to be more bombarded with baby stuff and the actual baby, so we thought it would be nice to have a lunch or get together as a group, Miles and the other included of course." Chris smiled. "Best idea, ever. I miss hanging out with everyone." I kissed Chris' cheek. "Good because it's already all organised." Ricky laughed. "Sneaky, sneaky men." I squinted my eyes at them both jokingly. "Blaze, how much tea have you drunk !?" Angelo shouted from the kitchen. "I don't know, why ?" I asked. "We bought a fresh pack like 2 days ago and there is 3 left." Ange's arm sprung from around the corner and showed the box with only 3 tea bags left in it. "Oops ?" I shrugged. "Remember, she's pregnant." He mumbled to himself clenching his fist. Everyone burst into laughter. God I missed hanging out with everyone without having all the pregnancy worry and restrictions.
'I can't wait for them to meet you lovely.' I thought to the gorgeous growing baby in my stomach.


"Blaze, God !" Miles beamed when he saw me, smiling crazy. Everyone greeted me with flying colours and compliments. We were having a barbecue at the house and everyone was invited.
"You look glowing !" Was the most used compliment; gosh I was going to get a big head from all these compliments ! I couldn't stop smiling the whole time, this reminded me of the time before the boys left for Tour once and I was just sat in the backyard observing everyone converse and have a good time, it washed waves of happiness over me.
Miles was currently telling Ricky and I a story about some guy he had met and to say I had spaced out was and understatement. I wasn't listening to anything I was watching all my friends get along and my finance cooking next to my sister. Everything seemed to be coming back together like the good old times.
God I sounded like a 90 year old woman reminiscing about 'The good Ol' days !' I silently laughed to myself. I excused myself for a while, my feet hurt and the clothes I was wearing felt like they were suffocating me, Chris kissed my cheek on my way inside, not really paying attention, to busy on the barbecue and engrossed in the conversation he and Lil were having. I pulled myself up the stairs and started changing my clothes and taking my shoes off. I needed a breather. I washed my face; make-up wasn't a thing I was bothering with while I'm pregnant. I was washing my hands as my stomach felt like it did s backflip. "Oomf." Had been the sound that passed its way out of my mouth as I stumbled back into the bed. I felt fine after a few minutes and some water. I heard laughter from downstairs and couldn't help but be really happy. Like really really happy.
All my friends were enjoying themselves and each other's company, I was going to have a baby in under a months time, everyone including myself was happy. Which was a rare thing, and I was going to enjoy it while I could. As I walked back stairs I nearly slipped on something,
I looked down at a puddle of water.
Huh ?
"BLAZE !" I heard someone yell before I was falling and the world was spinning beneath my feet. All the noise was slowly fading out but I know someone caught me and people were freaking out. Blaze yelled something about the puddle and I heard keys jiggling.

"She's early !" Someone else yelled.

"You're going to be okay, Blaze." I heard Chris over everyone.

Please baby, be okay.


Hate me, I'm sorry I've been MIA for like over a month, I've just lost motivation for a lot of things. Sorry this chapter is short again.

This will be the second last chapter and there will be a short sequel story up straight after the next chapter is posted.

Until next time ! X


Did She Make It To The Emergency Room ? ( Chris Motionless Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now