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*Blaze's POV*

"Hurry the fuck up Blaze or we won't make it !"

Lyl (short for Lyllith) yelled, pulling me along with her towards the massive double doors where two guards stood, looking as tough as ever. We would of been here earlier and on time but I have stomach Cancer Which caused me to throw up all the food Lyl had bought me.The disease is different for a lot of people, mine just happened to be Throwing up if I was hit in the stomach or sudden hard impact with something, sometimes just throwing up because my stomach felt like it, & weakness, the cancer takes a lot of my energy as does the throwing up.

I knew when she told me to hurry the fuck up she wasn't being rude, but technically we'd missed most of the support act & I'd go to hell and back before I missed out on this concert.

We tried to walk in & that's when a guard stuck his arm out, hitting me in the stomach. Oh god bad idea, I ran around the corner and started throwing up my previous foods of today & when that stopped just acid-like stuff.

"I've talked to the guards & showed them out tickets and blah blah blah, so are you alright now to go in ?"

I popped out one of my mints & had a sip of water before placing it in my mouth.

These weren't just any mints though, I was prescribed these there about ten times more faster and minty then normal ones, there for people that vomit a lot because of diseases or stuff like that.

So having a weak & small stomach came with the whole disease.

I checked my black hair to make sure no vomit had gotten in it, I cleaned my septum ring of anything & nodded my head yes at Lyl.

She screamed like a pubescent 14 year old girl.

We're 22 you'd think she couldn't scream like that anymore but oh wow she definitely could.

She grabbed my hand & as we walked past the guards he apologised to me but Lyl didn't have it & kept pulling me along so I could not tell the man that it wasn't his fault, he didn't know.

As we got into the arena, Lyl pulled me through the mosh pit.

We were about, if you could really call them 'rows', about 2 maybe 3 'rows' back.

A guitar started playing and everyone screamed.

3 seconds later we could see outlines of men, walking to there positions on the dark unlit stage.

The drum beat started & the guitars picked up.

The lights flashed on and everybody screamed.


The crowd screamed back a muffled reply.

I was too awestruck.

Just a few feet ahead were my favourite band.

Playing like this wasn't even a big deal. Lyl looked over at me and laughed.

The mosh started moving and I lost Lyl in a matter of 5 minutes.

But we'd planned this, we thought it would happen, so I was just to meet Lyl back at the car after the show.

"OKAY THAT WAS OUR FIRST SONG OF THE NIGHT, WE ONLY COME OUT AT NIGHT, WAS IT GOOD !?!?!?!" Chris Cerulli or Motionless whatever, just wow. They continued playing & Chris was reaching into the crowd. When they reached the third song which happen to be Lyl's favourite, Puppets, Chris reached into the crowd, but this time pulled a little petite looking girl with, black & purple hair, kinda like Lyl's onto the stage, he pointed back stage & as she turned around I realised something.

Did She Make It To The Emergency Room ? ( Chris Motionless Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now