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I woke in my bed, sore and tired from over sleeping.
There was my bag at the foot of my bed, my water bottle lay beside me with a couple pills.
I took them and downed the water. How the fuck did I get here. I pulled my phone out 9:34 am. Wow I slept nearly a whole 24 hours...what the fuck.
I remember going to the bands...
I still can't believe she told the guys, I find that so... Disrespectful, she had no right.
And.. GHOST ! I pulled up messages in my phone and had 3.
Lyl: Spending the night here, I'm sorry.
Unknown Number: Hey, it's Chris uhm could you ring me when you get this ?
Unknown Number: It's Ghost ! X
The most recent was Ghost's. I replied.

'Thank you for everything you did yesterday, it means a lot we should hang out more and soon Blaze x'

I ignored Lylth's message and kept reading over Chris's. I sighed getting out of bed and going downstairs. 'Dads at work and I've gone shopping and out for lunch with friends Xo Mum'
I walked outside and laid on the hammock we have on our deck in the backyard. I rung Chris. He answered on the third ring.
"Blaze ?" He asked. "Yeah uhm you told me to call ?"
"Yeah uhm...can we meet up and talk ?"
"I don't know Chris I-"
"Please Blaze I just...I need to talk to you about this."
"Why ?"
"Because it's important, will you meet me or not."
"Alone ?"
"Where ?"
"Park on Lenchester road ?"
"When ?" I sighed
"An hour."
"Lyllith does not need to know."
"Ok ?" He said unsure.
"I'll see you then."
"Good, see you soon Blaze." I could hear him smile through the phone !
I hung up and sighed, this is going to be a drag. Walking inside my cat came purring and tangled around my ankles.
A few months back Lyl & I got kittens, Her's is such a dark brown he almost looks black, mine a grey cat with black kind of stripes. Lyl's was called Monster but she normally just called it Mon or Monst. Mine we called CC, standing for Curious Cat, I know, dumb but he had always been a curious cat so it fit well. I used to call him Quri but CC was easier. I laughed Monst & CC were now both at my feet, nudging me with there heads and meowing at there empty food bowls. I filled their bowls and trudged up stairs hoping in the shower in the bathroom joined to my bedroom. I took a half hour long shower, washing my hair and shaving because I hadn't in a while. I got out and wrapped the dark purple towel around my body, walking to my room to get changed.
I pulled out my doc martins and socks, sitting them at the feet of my bed.
I pulled out one of my many t-shirts from the band t-shirt section of my wardrobe.
I looked at the t-shirt.
It was a Motionless In White one, I sighed placing it back in, pulling out another. I pulled out a shirt that had written in big letters."FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKER." I laughed and put it on over my bra, it reached mid thigh and I sighed, I was tiny due to my disease, the shirt was bigger than last time I'd worn it. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans that's sat up on my hip bones. I pulled on my socks & Doc martins. My phone started ringing I checked the ID & smiled. "I think you might just be my bestfriend now." I laughed into the phone. Ghost's soft laughter came through. "That wouldn't be that bad would it !?" He asked.
"Of course not" I stated smartly.
"Whatever loser, when do you want to hang out ?" He asked. "Uh how about this afternoon I've got to go meet a friend in a couple minutes but I'm free this afternoon if that's good with you."
I said. "I'm free all day Hun, but text me later & we can meet up okay !?"
"Okay" I said softly. "Bye." I hung up.
I walked downstairs and realised something.
Lylth has the car.
I groaned loudly.
WHY !?
I can't walk there in my condition... fuck WHY can't I just BE NORMAL !
I mentally shouted. I sighed and rung Chris. "Hey Blaze ?"
He questioned confused.
"Lylth has the car." I stated. "An-OHHH, you want me to pick you up ?" He asked.
"Uh yes please." I sighed and told him the Address. "Okay be there in five beautiful" he said and hung up. I groaned internally.
Why 'beautiful'.
I looked in the mirror near the door, fixing my make-up a bit. I was sitting by the door when a loud knock rung through. I opened it and was engulfed into a tight hug. "STOM-ACH" I choked out, they let go immediately. I doubled over, thinking I was defiantly going to vomit. But nothing. I breathed and grabbed my bag, locking the door and following Chris to his car.
"I'm sorry" he sighed.
"It's alright." I said reassuringly.
"No it's not I sh-" he began but I reached over and grabbed his hand.
"Chris, as nicely as I can put this, shut up." I squeezed his hand and he blushed. "Sorry." he mumbled. "It's alright." I laughed and tried to let go of his hand, but he kept it wrapped in his.
I sighed. I hope he doesn't think anything of it. "Blaze, we're here." He said. I hoped out of the car and walked over to the swings. I swung absently, waiting for Chris.
"You look nice today." He said, smiling warmly at me. "Thank you."
"Okay, stop. We need to talk." After saying that he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the swing to a nearby park bench under a huge tree.
I sat down legs crossed, Chris sat beside me. "I'm s-" Before he could finish I cut him off.
"Okay first I want to clear something's up. One, Don't feel sorry or apologising for me having this, you couldn't or ever can do anything about it. Two, I'm unstable & impatient and rude and kinda a bitch when I'm sick. Three, I HATE it when people treat me different or like a baby when they find out. I'm perfectly fine dealing with this on my own, I'm not hopeless I'm just not as healthy as everyone else."
"Hey, I was going to say I'm sorry for not going after you yesterday, but Lylth yelled at us..." He said timidly.
"But Gh-"
"I know Ghost went after you, he left as soon as you did." He shrugged. "Blaze, I want us to be friends, I AM going to worry about you & this disease though, I won't try and treat you differently but I AM going to look out for you weather you like it or not." He huffed. I Sighed." Fine." I said. "Friends !? He asked smiling widely. I stuck my hand out, "Friends." I said, he didn't shake my hand though, he pulled me into a hug.
...a long hug where neither of us let go for a while. "Your so small." Chris mumbled into my hair. "I know." I sighed, pushing my head against Chris more.He noticed and shifted a little before pulling me onto his lap. "I've got you." He whispered. I placed my head on his shoulder. "You make a good pillow." I yawned. "Are you tired ?" He asked. "I always am." I smiled.
My phone chose that moment.

*A-M-E-R-I-* I fumbled around with it before being able to hit answer, I could see Chris smirking. "Hey I know you were meant to ring me but Chris is missing." Ghost asked, voice full of worry. "Uh give me a sec." I said into the phone, I covered the phone and looked over at Chris. "Did you tell ANYONE where you were going !?" I asked. He thought for a second & the shrugged apologetically at me. "Ghost ?" I said into the phone. "Yeah ?" "He's with me." I sighed. A strange noise and a wolf whistle sounded. "Am I on loud speaker !?!!" I asked. "Maybee." I heard Ricky say.
"I hate you guys !" "YOUUUU LOVE UUUUSSS !" Balz shouted. "Eh."
"So when am I picking you up and where from ?" Ghost asked. "Uh, how about now, at the Park on Lenchester road ?" I asked. I could see Chris pouting next to me. I heard a few gasps and hushed tones. "Ghost !?" I asked impatiently. "Uh-yeah be there soon !" He said rushed and hung up. "Whyyyyy !?" Chris groaned.
I rolled my eyes and started tracing around his neck tattoos, he made a noise that kinda resembled a moan.
I laughed. "I'm ticklish there and I love that feeling." He said throwing his head back a little so I could trace his tattoos more. "What feeling ?" I asked timidly.
"When people trace my tattoos and..."
He grabbed my hands suddenly and leant down to my ear. "The feeling of your fingers on my body." He whispered. I heard a squeal which surprised me and I jumped back, causing me to fly back out of Chris' arms.
The sudden jolt and hit of the ground made me go into a coughing fit & upset my stomach. I groaned. "I hate you." I mumbled. "Ouch." Chris said.
"No, not you, my stomach !" I shouted a tad loud. "Oh." Chris said, helping me off the ground and back on to the bench. He rubbed my back while I drank some water and calmed down.
I saw a familiar car pull up to the park and I stood up. "This was nice Chris, thank you." I mumbled. Standing on my tippy toes and reaching up to hug him, my arms around his neck & his around my waist, he squeezed me tight and whispered "I meant what I said."
and let go walking over to ghost and doing that whole bro hug thing.
Ghost walked over smiling. "What no hug for me !?" He joked. I jumped up and hugged him, tighter than Chris but more friendly. "Thank you for what you did, that meant a lot." I said, still hugging him. "No problem, I'm always here." He squeezed me back and then let go. "So what shall we do m'lady ?" He asked me bowing. "Oh young sir, I do not have the faintest idea what we shall do." I said curtsying. A few seconds later we burst into laughter.
"Why don't we go out for lunch ?" Ghost asked. "YEEESSS !" I danced around excitedly. "Haha, calm down crazy." he joked. "Hey ! If I'm crazy then you must be psychotic !" I joked.
"DAYUM STRAIGHT !" He said stomping his foot. I laughed and jumped on to Ghost's back. "TO THE CAR PSYCHO !" I shouted pointing ahead of us to where the car was.


We'd parked in the car park behind the row of restaurants and stores so we had to walk around the block to go to the restaurant. We were walking, joking around when we walked past a bunch of those guys that you know, wear like singlets and have really big arms but they looks so fake you consider them on steroids and they look "tough". Yeah well 3 of them. "Faggot." one mumbled, pushing into Ghost. "Don't." Ghost said.
"What did you fucking call him !?" I turned around. "A faggot, what are you deaf !?" He said, the others laughed.
I punched him.
Straight in the nose.
"Little bitch !" He shouted, holding his now bleeding nose. "I hope it fucking hurt ass, if you didn't call him a Faggot, none of this would of happened, just think about that next time, asshole !"
I yelled at him, turning back around & walking the few steps to Ghost.
He pulled me into a hug. "You didn't have to do that but thank you." he said.
"I just hate that word ! Even if someone's joking around I just ugh, I hate it !" I said, we continued walking to the restaurant.
"How's your hand ?" Ghost asked. "Better than his nose" I laughed. "I think it's a little swollen" he said holding it up, he pushed gently on it & I winced. "We'll have to see if they can get you some ice for it at the restaurant" he mumbled letting go of my hand.


Did She Make It To The Emergency Room ? ( Chris Motionless Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now