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Ricky kissed my cheek and I waved goodbye, I trudged back up to the room Chris and I shared and threw a mini fit, what I didn't know was that Chris had forgotten his toiletries bag and was standing right at the door watching, "That's it we're dropping off the tour." I heard, I turned around and Chris was standing there. "No." I said throwing his toiletries bag at him and pushing him all the way out to the bus. My stomach was starting to grow a little, not that anyone but myself would realised but it has. "Go, go, go, you'll be back before you know it." I pushed him up the stairs on the bus and closed the door quickly, the bus drive off before I could even step away, Their manager, Josh, must of got the picture.
Four weeks, that's all until he's back, surely nothing major will happen in that time... right ?
I walked back in the house just as my phone was ringing. Miles' face lit up on my phone, I Answered it straight away. "Allie, you and I, lunch date my treat I'll be there in an hour." Is all he said before hanging up, that kid I swear to god. I was in the middle of getting dressed when my phone rang, again. I answered it without looking at caller ID.
"You're okay right ?!" Was the first thing I heard from Ricky when picking up the phone, Devin doesn't really call anymore or yeah... He's always uses his spare time to talk with Kylie, I don't mind I guess I kind of just miss him y'know ?
"Blaze !" Ricky said when I didn't answer, "Sorry, yeah of course I'm fine, why ?" I asked. "Chris told me you had a little...fit when he walked back in the house.." Ricky kinda mumbled. "That man I swear to god !-" I cursed. "I'm pregnant what do you expect Ricky, my hormones are everywhere." I laughed. "Okay...you'll be fine...just...just wait out the days.." I could hear his smile through the phone. "As long as we all keep in contact everything will be fine." I smiled. God I loved this kid. "Of course, love ya Blaze." He spoke. "Love ya too dude." I smiled before hanging up and continuing to get ready, I now had half an hour. I was standing in the hall, looking at the mirror poking my belly when I heard someone unlocking the door, I pulled my shirt down and walked to the door with my hand bag. "Waaaassss uuuuuup." Allie yelled, Miles not far behind her. I laughed before pushing the two back out the door.


"You've grown, munchkin !" Miles said poking at my stomach. "Not much." I laughed. I had a small, but not noticeable if you didn't know I was pregnant, bump. "What are you guys ordering ?" Allie questioned. "Uhhh... Wow.." I looked at the menu, so many choices. "I think I'll have the... Satay Chicken please." I nodded to the waiter. Miles and Allie ordered before I had to excuse myself to the bathroom, when I came back out a young girl around 5 or 6 bumped into me. "Oh I'm so sorry !" I just about shouted. "No, I sorry, I didn't l-look where I was go-going." She stuttered. "I don't know where my mummy and daddy are." She looked like she was about to cry. "I'll help you find them.." I smiled picking her up and putting her on my shoulders. "Do you see your mummy and daddy ?" I asked. "Yes ! There, there ! Over there." She pointed to a younger looking couple, they waved at her and the mother looked like she was so relieved. I slowly walked over with the little girl on my shoulders. "Here you are, little munchkin." I laughed lifting her off my shoulders when we arrived at the table. "Oh god, thank you so much." The mother jumped up and hugged me while the little girl jumped on her fathers lap. "No problem." I smiled, the mother sat back down and I went to turn away but she caught my wrist. "Is it your first one ?" She said quietly. I placed my hand on my stomach. "Yeah..." I smiled. "You'll love being a parent.." She smiled kindly at me, I walked back to the table with a huge smile on my face.

*3 weeks later*

"LYYYYYL." I shouted from the bed, she came running up the stairs. "What !?" She freaked out, "Come here !" I said quickly, she rushed to my side and I grabbed her hands, placing them on my growing stomach, the baby was kicking. "Oh my god." She sobbed. She couldn't stop smiling. She laid in bed with me for the next half hour waiting for the baby to kick again. "Oh god, I thought for sure I'd be the one to have a baby and you would be the cool aunt daredevil." She laughed. I hadn't told anyone but I'm taking smaller doses of my medication, My doctor told me that might up the chances of her actually surviving. I won't know the Gender for another 10 weeks which sucks but Chris will also be home in 1 week and then no more touring for the rest of the year. It's currently the beginning of October. I was lying in Chris' bed, my iPod hooked up to the speakers, Mayday Parade came on and I smiled, such a relatable band for so many different reasons. There was a knock on the door, "Come in." I said over the music. "Mum !?" I nearly screeched when she entered the room. "Lyl let me in, can I lie with you ?" She smiled. "Sure." I laughed. "I like this song.." Mum whispered after a few minutes of silence. The song was Brothers by Defeater, one of my current favourites. "So do I." I mumbled, Ma was currently stroking my hair. After a while my playlist finished and the room was engulfed in silence. "How are you ?" Mum asked. We'd barely seen each other recently, I wasn't home and when I was Ma was finally out living her life, not worrying about me, I was so glad she was doing something instead if constantly being with me, constantly worrying about me and asking weather I was okay, my pregnancy seemed to be the only thing on my mind, my cancer hadn't shown any really different problems than the few regular things here and there. "I'm doing well." I smiled rolling over to face mum. "Hows actually living life going ?" I laughed slightly. Mum smiled "Well." She nodded. Mum placed her hands on my growing stomach. "She's well too." I smiled, placing my hands a top of my mums. My ringtone burst through the speakers, making both Ma and I jump, I rushed to answer it. "Shithead ❤️" lit up my screen with a picture of Ricky and I. I answered it quick, excusing myself from my mothers company and walking downstairs and into the backyard. "Hey." I smiled when I answered the phone. "HELLOOOOOOO !!" Ricky nearly shouted. "What's going on ?" I smiled. After not hearing his voice for over a week it was comforting. "YOU ARE SO AWESOME, Y'KNOW ?" He shouted. "Ricky... Are you drunk ?" I laughed. "We may be at a after party and I left to call you now I'm lost.." He laughed. There was a scream and then a ruffle of noise. "Ricky !?" I asked panicked. "RICKY !?" I shouted. There was another ruffle and a voice. "Blaze ? " I heard Angelo. "Oh, Ange.." I sighed happily. "Ricky's drunk, sorry to bother you." He said, I could hear the commotion of Rick in the background. "No, he isn't bothering me... I m-miss you guys so much." I said starting to get emotional, this last week had been crazy and the band had hardly enough time to sleep !, let alone talk to me. Me and Chris had texted maybe two or three times but that's all. "How is she ?" Ange asked, I could hear the smile in his voice, "Munchkin has grown, she's kicking." I could help the smiled that had plastered itself to my face. "Oh wow... I can't wait to see you two..." He smiled. "ANGELO GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE I WANT TO TALK TO HER, I MISS HER." I heard Ricky shout. "I'll talk to you later, Ange." I smiled, pretty much telling him to give the phone back to Ricky. "You know you are even more glowing when you are pregnant." Ricky laughed. I couldn't help but blush, glad he couldn't see me I laughed. "Thanks Rick." Ricky laughed. "I have a sister already y'know, but I feel like even though we aren't related, you are my closest sister." He whispered as if his sister would hear him. "W-wow Rick.. Thanks." I leant my hand on my stomach. "I love you, I have to go." He rushed out and then hung up. "I love you too.." I mumbled to the dial tone. I walked back to my room and Ma was gone but there was a note on my bed. 'love you, had to go back home, talk soon x - M' I sighed. I walked into the nursery down the hall and sat in the rocking chair I had recently bought. I just sat there thinking.

God I hope I'm around for this kids life.


*Ricky's POV* [Surprise :P]

I lied in my bunk thinking. What if... What if questions are the worst. They make you all worked up for nothing. You could be a kid and count over you money in the canteen line and have the right amount but keep checking with that 'What if I don't have the right amount of money ?!' Panic voice in the back of your head. Or if someone looks at part of your face for too long and it comes again, 'What if I have something on my my face !?' It just.. It can be the most annoying thing. I had earphones in and the Machine Head version of Battery by Metallica came on. The intro made me smile, such skill. But the what if question would not float away from my head. Why do I always have to work myself up like this !? Ugh. Stupid Ricky. I told myself. It won't happen, it won't happen, IT WON'T HAPPEN. I tried and tried to re-assure myself but it just wouldn't happen. 

I tried to focus on the music drifting through my earphones but not even the sweet voice of Ville Valo could distract me from the stupid questions. Don't think about it, Ricky. Don't think about it. But I couldn't help it and the stupid question floated to the top of my thoughts and took over everything.

What if Blaze doesn't make it ?


Well, One more day of school and I'm done... But now it's going to be 6 weeks of moving and setttling in, ugh. Thanks to all of you guys who have been patient with me and this story.
Chris comes home next chapter, what do you think will happen :D Eeeeeeep ! Pluuussss listen to the song I've added while reading :)

- MotionlessInTaz x

Did She Make It To The Emergency Room ? ( Chris Motionless Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now