Chapter 25

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Olivia grabbed a box out of the moving truck, it was the lighest box ofcourse, the one with Noah's stuffed animals "Liv stop carrying, your 9 months pregnant, our baby can burst out any second" muttered Elliot worried, "Yes i know Elliot, that's why i'm only carrying the light stuff, Noah's stuffed animals and his cars" smiled Olivia. "We're almost done for the day Olivia, tomorrow is the last day of moving stuff and then you can let fetus pop out" smiled Elliot,

Olivia ordered some pizza because she was to lazy to cook "i got you pizza" smiled Olivia while setting the table "hmm i'm damm hungry" she smiled looking over at the steamy pizza on their new dining table "What do we have to move tomorrow then?" asked Olivia while slicing her pizza, "we have all the boxes here now, so we only need to unpack the smaller things, clothes, books, photo's etcetra" responded Elliot. "That's good" smiled Olivia, she ate her pizza and so did Elliot "I brought my laptop thought we could watch some tv, because the tv isnt conected yet" suggested Elliot holding up his laptop. "sure, isn't ER om tv?" asked Olivia looking at Elliot pleading, "Fine" he muttered fake mad. "Ahh fuck" groaned Olivia her hand moved to her stomach and a poddle of water dropped between her legs "I-i-i Elliot" stuttered Olivia, "Yes?" he said. "My water just broke and i'm in labor"

"Get her to the OB-GYN wing " shouted Doctor Addison Montgomery, Olivia's labor was progressing quickly but she stayed her strong self "No epedural" she firmly said to the red haired OB-GYN. Doctor Montgomery was checking how far dialated Olivia was, " wow you're 9cm" smiled Addison surprised " you'll be able to push in no time" smiled Addison again relieved. Elliot grabbed Olivia's hand and squeezed it "I love you Olivia" he whispered.


"Okay Olivia, one last push" smiled Addison, Olivia squeezed her eyes shut and groaned in pain one last time... loud baby cryings filled the room "It's a girl" smiled Addison holding up a baby girl "We're going to clean her up, and then you can hold her" smiled Addison while moving the new born to the cleaning table.

"We didnt thought we'd have a girl.. so we don't have any names yet" chuckeled Olivia, "I thought of some names tho, Rebecca, Taylor, Leila and April" smiled Elliot "I like April" smiled Olivia when she heard Elliot's names. Addison put their new born in Olivia's arms and smiled "I'll give you two some space" smiled Addison, Elliot stroke his hand over their babies face "April" he smiled, "April" sighed Olivia looking over at their new born.

"Noah" smiled Olivia when she saw Alex holding Noah on her arm "Alex" she added smiling. Alex put Noah on Olivia's bed and kissed Olivia's cheek soft "Hey how are you?" asked Alex. "Like a baby just came out of my vagina" chuckeled Olivia. "Do i have a swister?" asked Noah trying to speak firmly, "You have baby boy, her name is April and she's with daddy right now getting her check up" smiled Olivia tickeling Noah's belly. "I like it, April" smiled Alex repeating April's name, "It kinda came out of nowhere" smiled Olivia laying Noah's head on her chest.

A/N its a short update but its something, so heyy welcome to the worl April Stabler

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