Chapter 24

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Olivia grabbed her suitcase out of the taxi and so did Elliot. They walked into their home with enjoyment. " MOMMY" squeeled Noah when they threw the door open. noah tried to walk to Olivia and jumped onto Olivia and hugged her tight. " i mwissed ywou mommy" sighed Noah wrappig his arms around her neck. Elliot appeared behind Olivia and Noah stretched his arms out to Elliot so Elliot could take over, " Dadda" squeeled noah hugging Elliot tight. " Welcome back" smiled Don taking Olivia into a tight hug. " Thanks for taking care of my baby boy" smiled Olivia thankfully. " my pleasure" smiled Don reassuring.

Don left right after dinner hugging both of then goodbye and tickeling Noah. Elliot sank down on the couch tired wrapping his arm around Olivia whom put Noah inbetween them. Elliot put a bowl of popcorn in the middle of them and the three of them grabbed popcorn at the same time eating their popcorn while watching Cars. After an half hour of watching Cars Noah fell asleep. " Look whose tired" chuckeled Elliot, when he looked at Olivia he saw her fast asleep to. " 4 months pregant and she falls asleep constantly" chcukeled Elliot wiping a stray of hair out of her face. Elliot lifted up Noah and walked him to his bed and tucked him in. He then walked into the living room lifting up Olivia from the couch, he walked her to their bed and tucked her in crawling up next to her pushing her head in his neck.

" Goodmorning,love" smiled Elliot putting three plates full of pancakes on the table. Olivia kissed Elliot's cheek and brushed her hand trough Noah's brown hair. She put sirup on Noah's pancakes and sliced the pancakes in pieces " there you go" she smiled feeding Noah. While taking bites herself "i love you Olivia" smiled Elliot while chewing on his pancake. Olivia looked up at Elliot and smiled " I love you to Ell"

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