Chapter 15

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A short week later...

"Olivia, please go on desk duty" " Cragen will stay captain,so im gonna be a detective again" smiled Olivia "Dont change the subject Olivia" " Can you do the groceries right now? " " Fine, we are going to talk when you come back" " Whatever" sighed Olivia and stepped in the shower.

Elliot put Noah in the car seat " We are going to see momma's boss real quick and go to the shop after that okay?" " Mwama?".

" Elliot? what do we owe this pleasure" " i need to speak to you cragen, dont tell liv im here" " Sure, whats up Elliot?" "You have to put Olivia on desk duty" " Olivia Benson and desk duty? i would need the world bestest excuse" "she's pregnant" blurted Elliot out " But she's high risk" " Yes.. alright, ill talk to her" " Thanks Cap"

" Benson, can you come to my office for a sec" Olivia looked around startled catching Finn's eye " Nice working with ya baby girl" "Ha-Ha funny" smirked Olivia before walking into Cragen's office

" Whats up cap?" "I need to ask?" " Are you pregnant?" " That son of a bi-" " it isnt Elliot's fault that he is willing to do everything to protect you, Olivia he loves you, you two should be cherishing this wonderful moment, you are carrying the baby of the man you love for more then 12 years, do you realise how lucky you are, you were able to love again after your uh- incident.. and you loved the most wonderful man made for you, you are like a daughter to me like Elliot is a son. and i want both of you to be happy" " Yes cap.. i know" sighs Olivia. " You are on desk duty until now, and you wil take maternity leave at 17 weeks " "Fine" sighs Olivia " Can i go?" " Yes"

" Elliot" " I can explain" butted Elliot in " Thank you" she sighs. Elliot wrapped his muscular arms around her tiny waist hugging her tight. " I have an appointment with my OB/GYN tomorrow" "we'll go together" he smiled hugging her. " Let's get into bed and cuddle" stated Olivia not giving Elliot any reason to decline. They chagned into their pyjama's and fell asleep into each others arms within seconds.

" Miss. O. Benson?" " Thats me" smiled Olivia. She grabbed Elliot's hand and squeezed in it.
" If you could pull of your pants im just going to check if everything looks okay down there" smiled Doctor Montgomery. Olivia lay down on the table grabbing Elliot's hand " This might feel uncomfertable". Olivia lay her head back and squeezed Elliot's hand. " Yup you are deffintly pregnant" stated Doctor Mongomery. " If you put on your pants, we can talk" smiled the doctor. " So.. with you being 42 years old, you are at high risk for complications with your unborn child and with you" " Because of your high risk pregnancy i highly recommand, to ease the work related stress, i want to see you every two weeks, im also prescribing pre-natal vitamines" " here are some folders about high risk " smiled doctor montgomery while handing Olivia a pile of folders " are you free on the 20th of january?" " what about sex?" blurted Elliot out. Olivia looked aside shocked " you can have sex until your 20 weeks" smiled the OBGYN
"good" sighed Elliot.

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