Chapter 28

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"Any news?" asked Elliot whom came running in the hospital compleetly out of breath "No" sighed Amanda almost in a whisper. "How w-was she w-when you found her" asked Elliot, his eyes big. "Fully exposed, not breathing, badly cut, burned and bruised" whispered Amanda, she looked at the ground. Elliot slapped his hand for his mouth and slowly sat down on the chair "She-she's been ra-raped?" asked Elliot slightly hesitant, "We don't know" sighed Nick. "She just stopped having nightmares about the last time, they are way less frequent, and then three years later he breaks out of prison to finish what he fucking started, this is sick" shouted Elliot while tears were rolling down his cheeks. A doctor came walking up to them "Hello,I'm doctor Grey, the general surgeont on your wife and friends case, a nurse just finished her rape kit, there were pubic hair's found ,her thighs are bruised and her vaginal walls are teared" sighed Doctor Grey whom looked down to the ground. Elliot hit his fist into the wall and then slid down the wall, he started sobbing. "We're going into surgery now, it will take atleast 8 hours, so go home, or go sleep, or eat but don't wait here sir, m'am, " stated Doctor Grey. "Oke thanks" sighed Nick. Nick called Finn and when he hung up he turned to Amanda and Elliot. "Finn and Cragen are on their way and they're stopping by Mc'Donalds" stated Nick.

hours had passed when the blonde surgeont whom talked to them earlier came walking up to them "The surgery went without any major complications, and there's a plastic surgeont closing up her last cuts, then you can see her, but only one person can at the time, and be aware" she sighed whispering that last part. Elliot sat down on the chair and repeated the surgeonts last words Be aware.
a man in dark blue scrubs walked up to them" Hello, i'm Doctor Mark Sloan, the plastic surgeont, i sutured all of her cuts and she's ready to get visited by one of you" smiled The surgeont. "Ell.. go" whispered Amanda, Finn,Nick and Cragen nodded too. Elliot was following the plastic surgeont while repeating the words of the general surgeont in his head be aware... be aware... be aware, the plastic surgeont stopped infront of a closed room . "Take a deep breath, you'll be okay" whispered the plastic surgeont before checking his pager and.. leaving. Elliot pushed the door open, he semi- ran up to Olivia, but bounced back when he saw her bruised face. Elliot walked back to the bed and slowly touched Olivia's face, soft sobs escaped his throat. Elliot sat down in the chair next to the bed and grabbed Olivia's hand gently. Olivia suddenly started moving first her fingers, then her eyes, she looked up at the ceiling and tears rolled down her cheeks immediatly. Elliot wanted to wipe them away but when he came closer to her face Olivia's eyes grew with fear and she pushed his hand away. "Liv, it's me " whispered Elliot worried, "Ple-please leave" sighed Olivia hesitant.

1 week later...

Olivia walked into the house and the first thing she saw was Kathy sitting on the couch. Kathy welled up and wanted to hug Olivia, Elliot stood behind her nodding No worried. "Hi, Olivia" she smiled. "Hi" responded Olivia dryly. Noah came running up to Olivia and hugged her leg, Olivia shuddered scared and pulled Noah of of her. Noah started crying immediatly and Olivia walked up to the bedroom closing the door.. and locking it.

Olivia came out of the room when she smelled food, she sat down at the table and ate her food brief and quick. Elliot looked up to Olivia, back to his food, and Olivia again. "" hissed Olivia "Like i'm going to break". After dinner had Elliot put April and Noah to bed and he sat down at his desk while occasionly glancing over at Olivia whom was sitting on the couch staring at the tv. Elliot unlocked the 4 locks on the frontdoor and allowed Melinda to get in. Elliot whispered something in her ear and Melinda then went to sit opposite of Olivia. "Hey liv" smiled Melinda, Olivia looked over to Melinda "They all know, everyone knows" she whispered. Melinda had tears welling in her eyes but she swallowed them away. "Olivia, you need to talk about it with someone" sighed Melinda. "I can't " whispered Olivia, looking down at the ground " I'm taking you to a psychologist tomorrow" stated Melinda, "" whimpered Olivia while shaking her head "Yes Olivia, you don't have a say in this" hissed Melinda. Olivia's eyes grew wide but she finally nodded "O-okay".


"Okay Olivia, we're here to talk about what happened last week right?" he asked, Olivia nodded yes. "Can you tell me what had happened?" he asked, Olivia stared at her hands and started counting her fingers "Olivia?" he asked again, shaking her out of her thoughts. "Yes?" she said questioning, "Can you tell me what happened? your friends and husband are worried about you, you've been quiet" stated the psychologist. "I've been raped, cut, burned and kicked multiple times, so i think i'm allowed to be a bit quiet" hissed Olivia in an alarminly calm tone. The psychologist was a little taken back by that last comment "Your a sex crimes detective right?" he asked chaning the subject. "Yes, ironic right" stated Olivia with a weird out of place chuckle. "What's ironic, Olivia?" he asked. "The fact that i've been a sex crime cop for 15 years, and i get raped and beaten, like an ordinary victim" stated Olivia. "Is that what your afraid off? being the victim?" he asked. Olivia stared at her hands nervous "Isn't our time up?" Olivia asked, "It is, i want to schedule an appointment in two days" stated the psychologist "Fine"

Olivia walked to the toilet in her psychologists office ; Come one Olivia, Breath in and put on the mask, and act normal she said to herself. Olivia got out and she walked up to Melinda "i'm ready" stated Olivia with a big smile on her face. Melinda stood up surprised, and followed Olivia out the door. "So was it helpfull?" asked Melinda when she started the engine. "Yes, it was fine" smiled Olivia. "I'm already okay again" stated Olivia.

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