Chapter 23

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Olivia had changed into a knee-length dress and put her hair in a ponytail. " You look beautifull liv" smiled Maureen. " Olivia, this dress fits you perfectly!" squeeled Alex. Olivia smirked and grabbed Alex's arm. " Lets get you to your husband" " I wont get used to that" smiled Olivia.

" MAMMY" squeeled Noah. Olivia kneeled down and kissed Noah's small pointy nose. She then grabbed Elliot's hand and lifted her up.

" I'm asking for Olivia and Elliot, to come to the dance floor and dance their first married dance" sang the DJ. Elliot held her hand tight and together they walked on the dance floor. the song in my veins started playing and together they danced, Olivia fit into Elliot's arms like the missing puzzle piece. They swayed over the dancefloor until the song ended. Everyone aplauded and smiled for the happily married couple.

everyone slowly left the church to stand outside. Elliot lifted Olivia up and walked her outside, everyone threw flowers at them but they stopped when they sat down in the limousine driving off to their honey-moon.

Elliot picked Olivia up bridal style and ran with her into the hotel, he immedialty undressed her in their room, Elliot sucked Olivia's neck and moved his hand all over her body, Elliot threw off all of his clothes and climbed under the blankets with her, making love..

"Morning cutie pie" smiled Elliot kissing Olivia's nose. Elliot spooned his naked wife with enjoyment " Let's call Donn and ask how my baby is doing" suggested Olivia, she grabbed her phone and called Donn " Hey -Hey how is Noah doing" asked Olivia.. " Olivia Benson, you are on your honeymoon, hang up and enjoy.. Noah is fine, bye" sighed Donn hanging up " Noah appereantly is fine" chuckeled Olivia. Elliot smiled " Want to order roomservice?" " Yes" squeeled Olivia. They both ordered bowls of soup and eat then while talking about how many gifts they have to open when they're back home.

A/N; Sorry shitty update but i was done with the wedding-y thing so yeah

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