Chapter 27

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1 year later....

Olivia sat down on the couch with a sigh, "Apes, come to mama" smiled Olivia while her daughter was slowly standing up while holding the table, Olivia grabbed her phone in awwe and filmed April taking tiny little steps. April fell into Olivia's arms and Noah started clapping hysterical. "Mommy has to go to the shop, so Lizzie will be here to watch the two of you okay?" stated Olivia, when she saw Lizze walking up the front porch. Olivia hugged Lizzie and quickly showed were everything was "I'll be back in an hour, " smiled Olivia before closing the door behind her, she walked trough the streets, her gun weighing heavy on her belt and her badge in full sight, she had just gotten home from work but the nanny had to cancel so she had no time to change. It was a quiet mondat afternoon, almost no people in the streets. "Are you Detective Olivia Benson?" asked a man with an unfiamiliar accent. "Yes.. why?" she asked semi-curious. "Come with me, if you scream or don't co operatie i will shoot you" he hissed, Olivia felt a gun pushed on her waist and her heart started beating harder and harder. She got pushed n a white van where on the inside, the ropes and other material were already laid out for her suffering. "We're going for a ride Detective" was the last thing Olivia heard before she got smacked hard with her own gun.

Lizzie grabbed her phone and decided to call Elliot "Hey Dad, I'm watching Noah and April because Liv had to go grocery shopping, and she said it would take an hour, it's been 2 hours and i have a date with my boyfriend tonight" sighed Lizzie. "I'm on my way, to relieve you from your duties, have you tried calling her?" asked Elliot. "Yes straight to voicemail" sighed Lizzie. "I'm there in 3..2...1 seconds" smiled Elliot. A car stopped on the porch and Elliot walked in the house, "Hey liz" smiled Elliot, he kissed her cheek and kissed April and Noah too. "She said she was going to that shop around the corner, can't you like go look for her there?" asked Lizzie. "Yeah, you go to your boyfriend" chuckled Elliot. Elliot waved Lizzie goodbye and put April and Noah in a stroller. They arrived at the store and Elliot looked if he saw Olivia : Nothing. Elliot grabbed his phone and showed a picture of Olivia to the cashier "Has she been here?" asked Elliot. "No..?" sighed the cashier, the annoying popping of her gum filled the whole shop, well as it seemed like it. Something on the street caught his eye, he walked up to the street and grabbed the silver glinstering bracelet; it was Olivia's. Elliot semi-ran home and he grabbed his phone to make a call "Kathy, i don't have the right to call and as-" sighed Elliot but he got interupted by Kathy "What is it Ell?" she asked geniune kidn "I think something's wrong with Liv and i need someone whom can watch April and Noah for the afternoon" whispered Elliot getting scared. "I'm on my way" responded Kathy firm.

Olivia tried to move her legs and arms, but a terrible pain shot trough her entire body. Olivia looked around dazzled, she saw a the bed, she was laying on, a closet with a miror. This room was way too familiar for her, it was the beachhouse William Lewis held her. "Nice to see you again, Detective" smiled William with a sarcastic undertone, William walked in the room and sat down on the bed "I'm here to finish what we started baby" smiled William with an evil grin. Olivia's lips were splitting because of the tape and tears were forming in her eyes : don't cry, you'll look weak, Olivia said to herself. William sat closer to Olivia's face, "Oh you want to have this off?" asked William with a smirk. Olivia nodded eager. "If you scream, i'll shoot you in your leg" hissed William when he slowly removed the tape covering her mouth. Olivia breathed in and out slow, taking in the fresh air. "Let's now, get to the playing field" smirked William while slowly removing Olivia's belt, he then ripped of Olivia's shirt "This is gonna hurt" he smiled before the belt first hit her skin.

"What do we know?" asked Amanda while grabbing a piece of paper and a pen "She went to the store at 2:30 pm, it's now 5:36 pm, she hasn't picked up her phone, and someone saw her get into a white van with an afro american looking guy" rambled Elliot "Elliot man, what are you doing here, you should be with ya kids and not investigating your wife's dissappearance" stated Finn whom just walked in the squad room. "I can't just sit around hoping you find her" responded Elliot nervous. "Got the license plate back" shouted Nick, he rolled on his chair up to the rest "The van is registered to Marco Martinez, he died last year, but his son Esteban Martinez is 28, and i think he might know something about the where abouts of the van" said Nick. "Do we have an adress?" asked Cragen, "Yes" responded Nick, "Okay Amaro and Rollins go pay a visit to mister Martinez junior" stated Cragen. "Back up will be right around the corner make him speak" added Cragen in a mad tone.

"Good girl" smiled William when he looked at the big red stripes on Olivia's breasts and stomach. William was holding a bottle of water and watched Olivia look at it pleading "Oh.." he smirked "You want some?". William opened the bottle and watched Olivia take a big sip of water, Olivia was about to take another sip when William abruptly pulled it out of her mouth and emptied the bottle on the ground "Yes" smiled William "Next round will be in a sec". Olivia knew better then to think she'd get more water,but he wouldn't. William pulled down Olivia's pants violently "You've gotten bigger since the last time we met " stated William while moving one finger down Olivia's hips to her inner thighs. Olivia shook of nervousness, "Answer me" hissed Williamd while slapping his bare hand on Olivia's hip. William ripped Olivia's panties of and pulled down his own " please.. don't do this" whimpered Olivia, scared out of her mind. This seemed to really turn William on and he started thrusting into Olivia hard, her cries were heard from everhwhere, gut wrenching cries.

"Okay Mister Martinez, where is the van?" asked Amanda, "What van?" he asked. "Your dad's, that white one licens plate : 97-AD-8" responded Nick. "I-i uh" stuttered Mister Martinez, while his cheeks flushed. "Whose apprentice are you?" asked Nick now getting dangerously close to Mister Martinez his face. "I-i, Mister Lewis just paid me to pick up his girlfriend and let it seem like an abduction so he could have her for the weekend" muttered Mister Martinez. "Where did you drop them off" hissed Nick whom was getting more and more annoyed by the second "A beach house" whispered Mister Martinez ashamed. Amanda spoke trough the walkie talkie and Nick and Amanda got into the car together. It was an hour drive but they finally found the beach house where they saw a white van covered by a blanket. Back up and Cragen and Finn arrived at the scene and the bursted into the house "HE's GOING FOR A RUN" shoutrd Finn, whe he saw William Lewis climb out of the window, Finn ran up to William and the both climbed over the vence, William was getting quicker and quicker, Finn fired once.. twice..bang. there he was laying on the ground in a puddle of his own blood.

Nick and Amanda ran into the beach house , they were walking trough the house armed, Amanda popped her head into the bedroom "Nick stay back" hissed Amanda "Wh-?" he asked "Stay back" she repeated, she ran straight up to Olivia and placed a blanket over her. Amanda placed her fingers on Olivia's neck... "NICK SHE ISN'T BREATHING" shouted Amanda.

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